
来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fantong518
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The landscape fragmentation caused by road construction has many direct and indirect impacts on wildlife and ecosystems. By using the GIS and statistic software of fragmentation computation, a comprehensive index, road-induced landscape fragmentation index (RLFI), is proposed to quantify the degree of landscape fragmentation resulting from different levels of road constructions. The results show that road-induced fragmentation index in China ranges from 0.987 to 3.357, with a mean of 1.846 in 2002. The regional differences of landscape fragmentation are obvious and scoring sequence is: North China (2.65) > East China (2.62) > Central China (2.60) > South China (2.51) > Southwest China (2.34) > Northeast China (2.19) > Inner Mongolia (1.88) > Northwest China (1.67) > Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (1.65). The anisotropic analysis indicates that the variation of fragmentation index in east-west direction is larger than that in south-north direction. The landscape fragmentation caused by road construction has many direct and indirect impacts on wildlife and ecosystems. By using the GIS and statistic software of fragmentation computation, a comprehensive index, road-induced landscape fragmentation index (RLFI), is proposed to quantify the degree of landscape fragmentation resulting from different levels of road constructions. The results show that road-induced fragmentation index in China ranges from 0.987 to 3.357, with a mean of 1.846 in 2002. The regional differences of landscape fragmentation are obvious and scoring sequence is: North China (2.65)> East China (2.62)> Central China (2.60)> South China (2.51)> Southwest China (2.34)> Northeast China (2.19)> Inner Mongolia (1.88)> Northwest China (1.67)> Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (1.65). The anisotropic analysis indicates that the variation of fragmentation index in east-west direction is larger than that in south-north direction.
设y ̄1,y ̄2…y ̄n是相互独立的,取正整数值的随机变量,A表示事件y_i-y_(+1)≥0;i=1.2…n-1.那么我们证明在条件A下y_i-y_(i+1)与y_(i+1)是独立的,i=1,2…,K,当且仅当y_i(i=1,2…k)服从几何分布,这里1≤k≤n-1(k个几何分布参数可以不同)。 Let y ~ 1, y ~ 2 ... y ~
经过长达一年多的激战,2018年俄罗斯世界杯欧洲区预选赛小组赛落下帷幕,除了最后4个名额有待通过附加赛产生外,9支出线队已经出炉。纵观整个欧洲区的争夺,情理之中与意料之外并存,只是感慨名额太少,几家欢喜几家愁。传统豪强:优势依旧  欧洲5支有过世界杯夺冠经历的传统豪门,除了意大利因与西班牙同组而被“挤到”附加赛外,其他4隊均毫无悬念地获得小组头名,且领先优势巨大,其中德国、英格兰和西班牙均未尝败绩