
来源 :哈尔滨体育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hefang1986
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扩大高等学校组织机构的作用及使其复杂化这一社会发展现阶段的特殊过程,将完善高校的管理。首先是完善学校教学管理应列为最重要的问题。在哈巴体院,人们将不少的注意力放在完善学校的管理活动上。院长为提高计划、予测、领导、组织、协调、促进、监督、分析等管理体系的成员的工作效率而采取了一些措施。提高高校整体教师队伍、工作人员及学生的法律意识在行政管理中占重要地位。在各系和研究组织订阅了“苏联国家教育专利”(这一套有关“职业教育”的专利),各个部门的领导经常掌握了解俄罗斯国家主管科学与教育的委员会颁布的文件及国家体育委员会 The special process of expanding the role of institutions of higher learning and complicating it at this stage of social development will improve the management of colleges and universities. The first is to improve school teaching management should be listed as the most important issue. At Haba Institute, much attention has been devoted to improving the management of schools. The president has taken some measures to improve the working efficiency of the members of the management system including planning, forecasting, leadership, organization, coordination, promotion, supervision and analysis. Improving the legal sense of the overall faculty, staff and students in colleges and universities plays an important role in the administration. The faculties and research organizations have subscribed to the “National Education Patent of the Soviet Union” (this set of patents relating to “vocational education”), and the leaders of all departments often have the knowledge of the documents promulgated by the Russian State Commission for Science and Education and the National Sports Commission
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