New approach to the automatic segmentation of coronary artery in X-ray angiograms

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:astanaZH
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For the segmentation of X-ray angiograms (XRA), the essential feature and the prior knowledge of angiographic image were analyzed, and a multi-feature based fuzzy recognition (MFFR) algorithm was proposed to infer the local vessel structure in this paper. Guided by the prior knowledge of artery vessel, a probability tracking operator (PTO) can rapidly track along the artery tree, and walk across the weak region or gaps because of disturbance or preprocessing to angiographic image. Another, the accurate measurement of the vascular axis-lines and diameters can be synchronously implemented in the tracking process. To correctly evaluate the proposed method, a simulated image of CAT and some clinical XRA images were used in the experimentations. The algorithms performed better than the conven- tional one: given one start-point, on average 92.7% of the visible segments or branches was automatically delineated; the correctness ratio of vessel structure inference reached to 90.0% on the average. For the segmentation of X-ray angiograms (XRA), the essential feature and the prior knowledge of angiographic images were analyzed, and a multi-feature based fuzzy recognition (MFFR) algorithm was proposed to infer the local vessel structure in this paper. by the prior knowledge of artery vessel, a probability tracking operator (PTO) can rapid track along the artery tree, and walk across the weak region or gaps because of disturbance or preprocessing to angiographic image. Another, the accurate measurement of the vascular axis- lines and diameters can be synchronized implemented in the tracking process. To correctly evaluate the proposed method, a simulated image of CAT and some clinical XRA images were used in the experimentations. The algorithms performed better than the conven- tional one: given one start- point, on average 92.7% of the visible segments or branches was automatically delineated; the correctness ratio of vessel structure inference reached to 90.0% on the averag e.
【摘要】自主学习、合作学习一直是我们教学探讨的主题,本文通过对智力因素方面的引导与非智力因素方面的引导阐述了引导的重要性,强调教学的实质而不是形式。  【关键词】引导 智力因素 非智力因素  基础教育课程改革倡导自主学习、合作学习的课堂学习形式,在学习活动中怎样才能使学生成为自己学习的主人?除了必须确保学生自主学习的时间、空间和平台外,更重要的要使学生明确学什么?怎样学?达到什么目标?通过合作学习
21世纪以来,中国的经济在飞速增长,转型期的社会变化飞快,人们的价值观念和道德伦理观念也随着社会的变迁而不断变化着。初中思想品德课程承担着塑造青少年道德思想的重任,思想品德教材作为道德的载体,教师如何运用好教材,吃透教材,成为我们当前应该考虑的问题。  一、初中思想品德课设置背景  初中思想品德课程适应了社会发展的需求。21世纪是一个信息化的时代,信息量大,信息更新速度快。信息泛滥的同时,人们在选