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钢笔屋位于大马路上的第二个路口进去的街道,那条古老商业街的中央地带。门面是两扇玻璃门,连个招牌也没有,只在门牌的旁边写着小小的“钢笔铺”三个字而已。那开闭状况非常差的玻璃门,好像从打开到完全关紧得花上一个星期的时间。  “当然,没有介绍信可不行——不但得耗费相当长的时间,价格也不便宜。不过啊,店主会为你量身打造出梦幻般的钢笔。”友人说。于是,我就来了。  店主人约六十岁,整个人就像一只栖息在森林深
One day, a poor boy named Howard Kelly who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime left. He was hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at
It is the news that will bring hope to Lil Bub, the goats that yell like humans and other who wanna be film stars everywhere: Grumpy Cat, the moody feline queen on the Internet, looks set to get her v
由于职业关系,明星们都拥有自己的保养秘方,并与公众们分享。于是,一些人放弃了减肥药(slimming drug),开始效仿起明星们的瘦身食谱。而这真的科学吗?  Raw Mushroom Diet  生蘑菇减肥法  British movie star Pallet Roxanne has recently revealed that in order to maintain her ideal,
背景和目的:全身炎性反应综合征(Systemic inflammatory response syndrome ,SIRS)是多种疾病发展至多器官功能不全综合征(Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome,MODS)的前期
New Zealand wasn’t chosen as the location for films The Lord of the Rings for nothing. It is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular places on earth, situated to the southeast of Australia. It may see
British Little Prince 英国小王子  On July 22, 2013, Prince William and Princess Kate have welcomed baby into the world at St. Mary’s Hospital in London. The blue-blooded baby was said to be weighed around