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最近,山东省莱州市某镇发生了一起诈骗案,犯罪分子用并不高明的手段骗去了青年妇女阿香价值1400余元的金项链、金戒指等首饰。犯罪分子的伎俩漏洞百出,阿香却因贪财而轻易上当受骗。12月17日是镇大集。中午,在回家的路上,阿香遇到一名操外地口音的妇女。那名妇女悄悄地把阿香拉到一没人处,大嫂长、大嫂短地夸赞她看上去是一个实在人,阿香便问有什么事。那名妇女就说她在××厂打 Recently, a fraud occurred in a town in Laizhou City, Shandong Province. Criminals cheated the gold necklaces and gold rings of young women worth as little as 1,400 yuan with unscrupulous tactics. Criminals trick full of loopholes, incense but because of money and easily deceived. December 17 is the town set. Noon, on the way home, Ah Hong met a woman speaking the accent. That woman quietly pulled A fragrant no one place, sister-in-law, sister-in-law shortly praised her looks like a real person, Hong Xiang asked what’s the matter. The woman said she was playing at ×× factory
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Hello!This is rabbit.  Spring is coming. I want to plant some flowers in the garden.
风信子的味道飘散又聚起,然后又飘散……是一种淡淡的,需要静心才能够闻到的气味。又是春天了。指尖探向天空,感觉有草叶飞扬,那时候,手好小,我也好小,天空好大…… The sme
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