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零售商业实行“拨货计价、实物负责”管理办法,容易发生差错,而且造成短款后很难找出原因。零售商业发生短款、不外两种情况,一是有心,二是无意。有心是思想意识的问题,无意是工作上的差错。我认为除要做到思想正、业务精、工作细外,还要把好“五关”,才能杜绝短款。这“五关”是: 一、把好验收关商品验收是营业员实物负责的起源,把好这一关,可以将差错拒之柜外。验收商品时,要根据发货单或发票对单验收,做到开箱散捆,点数过秤,查看质量,发现问题,详细记入“验收商品差错登记簿”,填好“查询单”,立即报告有关部门追查落实。商品进仓先复点后堆码,核对挂卡,保证不出漏洞。 The implementation of the “retail pricing, in-kind and responsible” management approach in retail businesses is prone to error and makes it difficult to identify the reasons for the short sales. Short-term retail sales occur, but two cases, one is determined, and second, no intention. Concentrated on the issue of ideological consciousness, no intention is a mistake in the workplace. In my opinion, in addition to doing our best to achieve the “five thresholds” in order to achieve positive thinking, good businessmanship and meticulous work, we can put an end to the short paragraph. This “five off” is: First, the acceptance of good acceptance of goods is the salesperson responsible for the origin of the matter, the better off, you can reject the error outside the cabinet. Acceptance of goods, according to the invoice or invoice for a single acceptance, so that unpacking bulk, points weighing, check the quality and identify problems, detailed entry “Acceptance of Goods Registration Register”, fill out the “inquiry list”, immediately Report the relevant departments to track down the implementation. Commodity Jincang first pile after stacking, check the card, to ensure that no loopholes.
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一年一度的春运又将来到。根据历年春运的经验教训,危及春运安全有五大“杀手”。 一,超载超速。这是道路交通安全的头号“杀手”。由于超载来钱快,其“高效率”被不少车主、
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