加快全省海洋与渔业发展 为全面建设小康社会做出新贡献——全省海洋与渔业工作会议在济南召开

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3月23日,山东省海洋与渔业工作会议在济南召开。会议对过去5年全省海洋与渔业工作作了回顾与总结,确定了2003年山东省海洋与渔业工作的总体思路和任务目标.部署了今年要重点抓好的工作。山东省海洋与渔业厅宋修武厅长等领导出席会议并作重要讲话。 5年来,山东省海洋与渔业大力实施科教兴渔、渔业经济国际化和可持续发展战略.努力推进“海上山东”建设进程。全省海洋与渔业经济持续、稳定、健康发展,整体素质和效益水平有了较大的提高。2002年全省海洋产业总产值达 March 23 Shandong Province Marine and Fisheries Working Conference was held in Jinan. The meeting reviewed and summarized the work on marine and fishery in the province in the past five years, and set the general idea and mission of the marine and fishery work in Shandong Province in 2003. The work to be focused on this year was deployed. Leaders of Song Shuwu, director of Shandong Provincial Department of Oceans and Fisheries, and other leaders attended the meeting and made important speeches. In the past 5 years, the marine and fisheries in Shandong Province have been vigorously implementing the strategy of rejuvenating science and education, internationalization of fishery economy and sustainable development strategy, and have made great efforts to promote the construction of “Maritime Shandong”. The marine and fisheries economy in the province has sustained, stable and healthy development with a great improvement in its overall quality and efficiency. In 2002 the province’s marine industry reached a total output value
接触甲醛导致膜性肾病[英]/PeterBreysse…//Annals of Internal Madicine,-1994;120(5).-396~397膜性肾病是成人原发性肾病综合征的最常见原因。某些病例与自身免疫失调(如系统性红斑狼疮)、感染(... Contact with formaldehyde causes memb