认真贯彻落实“三个文件” 突出抓好安全生产监督管理

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9月22日,全省安全生产工作会议结束以后,省安监局党组紧接着举办了局党组中心组(扩大)学习研讨培训班,学习党中央、国务院关于加强安全生产工作的重要指示,深入讨论贯彻落实省委、省政府三个重要文件精神和周强省长重要讲话精神。参加中心组(扩大)学习研讨培训班的有省局班子成员、各市州安监局长和省局机关处室主要负责人。省政府副秘书长、省安监局党组书记、局长刘尧臣在中心组(扩大)学习研讨培训班上发表讲话,省安监局党组成员、副局长彭伏桂、李大剑,副巡视员吴官保分别结合自身分管工作,就如何落实这次会议精神作了发言。各市州安监局就如何贯彻落实这次会议精神和省委省政府下发的“三个文件”中的重点进行了热烈的讨论。以下是本刊摘登中心组(扩大)学习研讨培训班上发言,以飨读者。 On September 22, after the safety work conference of the province was over, the Party Group of the Provincial Security Supervision Bureau immediately held a seminar on studying and studying for the Central Party Committee of the State Council (enlarged) to learn important instructions from the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on strengthening safety in production work, Discuss and implement the spirit of the three important documents of the provincial party committee and government and the important speech of Governor Zhou Qiang. Participate in the center group (expanded) seminars and training courses in the provincial team members, the municipal state safety supervision bureau and the provincial bureau chief. Liu Yaochen, deputy secretary general of the provincial government and party secretary and director of the Provincial Security Supervision Bureau made a speech in the study and training class of the central group (enlarged). Peng Vougui, Li Dajian, member of the Party Committee of the Provincial Security Bureau and Wu Guanbao, deputy inspector, respectively, We spoke on how to implement the spirit of the meeting. Municipal Surveillance Bureau on how to implement the spirit of this meeting and the provincial government issued the “three documents” in the focus of a lively discussion. The following is the magazine published center group (enlarged) seminar on learning seminar to speak to readers.
春天是最能引发人们情思的季节。古往今来,有无数文人墨客留下了关于春的思绪,或咏或颂,或赞或叹。春暖花开,桃红柳绿,春天再一次光临人间,好一派生机勃勃的景象!  那么,怎样写出春天的独特风采呢?  要想写好春天,就要抓住春天与众不同的地方,全方位地写出这一季节的美妙景致和独特风采。  “东风”是春天特有的风向,是春天的序曲。“细雨”、“浅草”、“柳絮”、“花朵”、“风筝”、“燕子”、“耕牛”等等,是
据报道,日本科学家最近开发出一项新技术,即利用含有“分子镊子”的特殊溶液,使从成千上万个肉眼无法辨别的碳纳米管中筛选出不同直径的碳纳米管简单得犹如用筷子夹豌豆。 I
你是爸爸妈妈眼里的小宝宝,  你的眼睛清澈美好,  你喜欢甜甜地笑,  还喜欢伸一下小舌头,  偶尔严肃的表情,  是在想问题吗?  你真是爸爸妈妈心里的萌宝宝。
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介绍了以Intel8098单片机为核心的采样系统构成与工作原理,结合发动机振动信号特征与采样要求,讨论了采样参数确定、触发方式建立、接口电路设计及采样控制方法. This paper introduces