
来源 :现代装饰(理论) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiang1978
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追求生活的美好是人们始终不变的信念,而正是这份对美的向往,也使得人们在居住环境中更加注重人居的审美与舒适感。于是,室内设计应运而生,也渐渐成为建筑人居设计中的一大亮点。室内设计可以有效改善并提高室内环境的审美,营造人与自然安静祥和的居住气氛,并且从细节之处进行房屋的点缀与美化。本文主要针对当今室内装饰展开讨论与分析,探究室内装饰在人居环境中所产生的重要影响,为室内装饰今后的发展提供必要的参考与借鉴。 The pursuit of the beauty of life is always the same belief, and it is this yearning for the United States, but also makes people pay more attention to the living environment of the aesthetic and comfort of living. As a result, interior design came into being, but also gradually become a highlight of architectural design. Interior design can effectively improve and enhance the aesthetic interior environment, creating a quiet and peaceful atmosphere of people and nature, and from the details of the decoration and beautification of the house. This article focuses on the discussion and analysis of today’s interior decoration to explore the important influence of interior decoration in the living environment and provide the necessary reference and reference for the future development of interior decoration.
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