小字辈的战争 BMW X4 v保时捷Macan S

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如果说去年SUV市场中点击率最高的豪华SUV车型,非是有着“小X6”之称的BMW X4和“小Cayenne”之称的保时捷Macan莫属。虽然在品牌定位上,这两位主角可能并不算是门当户对,但是在性能、价格等诸多方面两者却有着太多的相似之处已经积累了8年的成功经验BMW对于X4的驾驭自然更加游刃有佘坦白地说,即便BMW X4和保时捷Macan这两款SUV在去年已经火到不能再火的地步,但是我除了在北京车展上走马观花地欣赏了一番它们的容貌外,出于种种原因始终未能与其再度谋面。所以,这次对于我个人而言绝对是与它们的第一次正式“亲密接触”。其实,所有的故事情节并非都一帆风顺,就像本次故事的初章。当我眉飞色舞地抵达 If the SUV market last year, the most click-through luxury SUV models, not the “X6” is known as the “BMW X4” and “Cayenne” called the Porsche Macan. Although the two main characters in the brand positioning may not be well-behaved, but there are so many similarities in terms of performance, price, etc. Has accumulated eight years of success experience BMW X4 control more natural travel Blaster frankly said that even if the BMW X4 and Porsche Macan these two SUVs have not been able to fire in the last year the point of fire, but I in addition to the Beijing auto show to enjoy some of their looks, out of Various reasons have not been able to meet with them again. So for me personally this is definitely the first formal “intimate contact” with them. In fact, all the storyline is not easy, just like the beginning of this story. When I arrived vividly
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