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经纪人,对国人来说,是个既熟悉又陌生的名词。 经纪人,古称“牙人”,是商品贸易的产物。在我国,自西周时期有“市场”就有了“牙人”,直到中华人民共和国成立,历代不衰。1950年11月14日中央人民政府贸易部发布了《关于取缔投机商业的几项指示》,将经纪人作为“投机者”被取缔。这是因为一个时期以来误认为社会主义统一市场就是国营企业独立经营,排斥多种经济形式存在的市场,也就是说,计划经济取消了经纪人。其实,经纪人并没有被根除,有些经纪人转入地下,如牲口市仍有经纪人活动。现在,经纪人随着改革开放,建立和发展市场经济,堂而皇之应运而生了。“中国的大市场,大流通再度把经纪人推上了社会主义市场经济的大舞台。” Brokers, for people, is a familiar and unfamiliar term. Brokers, the ancient name “teeth” is the product of trade in goods. In our country, there was a “tooth man” from the “market” during the Western Zhou Dynasty until the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. On November 14, 1950, the Ministry of Trade of the Central People’s Government issued “Several Instructions on Suppressing Speculative Business,” banning brokers as “speculators.” This is because, since a certain period, the socialist market was mistakenly defined as the state-owned enterprises operating independently and excluding the markets in which various forms of economy existed. That is, the planned economy canceled the brokers. In fact, brokers have not been eradicated. Some brokers have gone underground. For instance, there are still broker activities in livestock markets. Now, with the reform and opening up, brokers have established and developed a market economy. “In China’s big market, the circulation once again pushed brokers onto the big stage of the socialist market economy.”
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