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今年1月27日是中法两国正式建立外交关系30周年。30年来,中法关系虽然也经历过困难和波折,但总的来看是好的,两国在政治、经贸、科技、文化等各个领域都进行了富有成效的合作。今年初,经过双方的共同努力,中法两国就恢复传统的友好合作关系达成了谅解,发表了两国政府联合公报。它标志着近年来因法国社会党政府一意孤行批准向台湾出售军舰和军用飞机而受到严重损害的中法双边关系恢复正常。1月下旬,应法国政府的邀请,中国副总 January 27 this year marks the 30th anniversary of the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. Although the Sino-French relations have experienced difficulties and twists and turns over the past 30 years, they are generally good. The two countries have conducted fruitful cooperation in politics, economy and trade, science and technology, culture and other fields. Earlier this year, with the joint efforts of both sides, China and France reached an understanding on resuming the traditional friendly cooperative relations and issued a joint communique between the two governments. It marks the normalization of Sino-French bilateral relations that have been severely harmed in recent years by the Socialist Government of France gratifyingly approving the sale of warships and military aircraft to Taiwan. In late January, at the invitation of the French government, China’s vice president
埋藏史研究是含油气系统研究的核心内容 ,是研究油气的生、运、聚及成藏过程的关键。在区域背景分析的基础上 ,定量计算了孙虎地区各地层单元的剥蚀厚度 ;通过压实、剥蚀恢复
近两年来国内少数石化及炼油企业通过参与美国Solomon管理咨询公司 (SAI)的业绩分析评估活动 ,直接了解到国际上烯烃生产及炼油行业的运行水平及各自企业在所属行业中所居的
Microporous Keggin-type polyoxometalate material was synthesised by supporting H3PW12O40 into a silica matrix via a sol-gel technique. The silica-supported 12-
独次销售术 意大利莱尔市场有一个奇特的营销策略——独次销售术,即这个市场对所有的产品仅出售一次便不再进货。即使是十分热门的俏货,也忍痛割爱,不再行染指。这种策略使
为配合塔西南地区的油气勘探 ,加强该地区的地面石油地质综合研究 ,选择有利地段进行评价勘探工作。中国石油天然气股份有限公司塔里木油田公司委托新疆工学院完成喀什凹陷南
我院 1998年 9月至 1999年 2月应用思密达治疗婴幼儿秋季腹泻 12 0例 ,取得显著疗效 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 病例选择 本组患儿年龄为 2个月~ 3岁 ,病程在 3天内 ,每
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