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应对失控状态下的混乱,解决管理难题有时候,不得不说我们正处在一个控制与失控并存、秩序与混沌共生的风险社会。尤其是借助手机、互联网等现代通讯工具的信息扩散,无论“碘盐防辐射”、“滴血传艾滋”之类的市井谣言,还是“幼童被撞”、“强拆自焚”这样的悲惨事件,抑或‘地沟油“、”毒牛奶“、”坑爹门“、”艳照门“、”雷人语录“等诸多乱象,一经曝光便迅速演变成一场场由媒体牵头、精英 To cope with the chaos in uncontrolled situations and solve the management problems Sometimes, we have to say that we are in a risk society where both control and loss of control coexist and the order and chaos coexist. In particular, with the spread of information by means of modern communication tools such as mobile phones and the Internet, rumors of marketplaces such as ”iodine salt radiation prevention“ and ”blood transfusion AIDS“ Demolitions and self-immolation, ”such a tragedy, or“ waste oil ”,“ poison milk ”,“ pit father ”,“ Pornographic ”,“ Ray ”and many chaos, once Exposure quickly evolved into a field dominated by the media, the elite
本刊欢迎有关单位,通讯员和读者就下列内容踊跃投稿,并热忱希望对本刊提出批评意见和改进工作的建议。 一、稿件内容 1.坚持“独立自主,自力更生”方针,贯彻执行“鞍钢宪法
为了研究日本东北部宫城县境内1962年宫城北部 M6.5地震的孕震区大地电阻率结构,我们进行了大地电磁测量。二维反演表明,在该地区的地壳上部存在一个深的导电层,其上覆盖有高
国际矿物学协会新矿物及矿物命名委员会 (IMA_CNMMN)于 2 0 0 2年 9月在爱丁堡国际矿物学大会期间组成了新一届委员会 ,由 33名委员构成 ,我国在该组织中的代表为於祖相 (中
A preciously undescribed Lower Triassic sequence of a series of multiple cycles of mud-lime rocks, with the argillaceous content decreasing upward while limesto
Nappe structure, as was first discovered by the authors during the regional geological survey at the scale of 1:50,000 in The Jinggang Mountain, is mainly comp
前床突脑膜瘤是指位于蝶骨嵴内 1/3或者是前床突上的脑膜瘤。近年来 ,随着颅底外科的发展和对海绵窦了解的深入 ,使得手术完全切除这些肿瘤成为可能 ,且已取得了较大的进步[1
This paper discusses some mechanical concepts that have been largely applied to structural geology and tectonics, and addresses the problems and misunderstandi
机器人按ISO 8373定义为:位置可以固定或移动,能够实现自动控制、可重复编程、多功能多用处、末端操作器的位置要在3个或3个以上自由度内可编程的工业自动化设备。这里自由度
18 F 脱氧葡萄糖 (18F fluorodeoxyglucose ,18F FDG )为葡萄糖类似物 ,静脉注入后参与体内葡萄糖代谢过程 ,被己糖激酶磷酸化成 6 磷酸 脱氧葡萄糖。与正常组织相比 ,恶性