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呼吸内科疾病一般为慢性复发性疾病,呼吸内科疾病以老年人居多,患者将面临病情恶化与并发症的威害,他们每天生活能力下降,生活质量受到较严重的影响,假如患者长久多次反复住院,他们会存在或轻或重的抑郁症状,情绪特别低落,这种情绪会对临床护理工作带来带来不好的影响,他们不配合医生和护士的护理与治疗工作,直接影响康复的进度,本文契合呼吸内科患者的心理特征,从而进行心理分析和心理护理工作,较大程度上提高护理质量,使患者尽快康复。 Respiratory diseases are generally chronic recurrent diseases, respiratory diseases are mostly elderly people, patients will face the deterioration of the disease and complications of their ability to decline daily life, quality of life are more severely affected, if the patient repeatedly repeated Hospitalization, they will exist or mild or severe depressive symptoms, particularly depressed mood, this feeling will have a negative impact on clinical nursing work, they do not cooperate with doctors and nurses in the care and treatment, a direct impact on rehabilitation Progress, this article fit the psychological characteristics of patients with respiratory medicine, psychological analysis and psychological care work, to a greater extent improve the quality of care so that patients recover quickly.
10月17日早晨,阳光灿烂(càn làn),是个好日子。我很早就把作业做完了,因为爸爸答应带我去上里古镇看风景。路上,我看见了绿绿的小树、清清的小河、红红的 The morning of
“他被判了坐电椅,幸亏请到一位能干的律师……”“替他脱罪了吗?”“不,律师替他争取到降低一些电压。” He was sentenced to sit in a chair, thanks to a capable lawye
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
清晨,我打开门,正准备出去呼吸新鲜空气。忽然,传来丁冬、丁冬的声音。是谁在树林里弹琴?我走进树林一看,原来是丽莎和维加正在为后天举行的演唱会练习呢!瞧,维加 In the ea
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现将1996年度全区节能情况通报如下: 据统计,1996年度全区县及县以上976个企业完成工业总产值470.74亿元,比去年同期下降0.67%,消耗能源1184.74万吨标准煤,增长0.93%,万元工业