Theoretical research progress in new-generation Internet architecture

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scstscst24
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Internet has become the most important information infrastructure supporting modern socio-economic development,social progress and technological innovation. Invented 30 years ago,today Internet is facing increasingly severe technical challenges. This paper introduces the progress of the major international newgeneration Internet research plans;analyzes its basic characteristics and the principal contradictions during the development;detailedly introduces the research carried out by 973 Project “Research of Future Internet Architecture” on the key scientific issues of new-generation Internet architecture and its latest research results;and looks to the future of the research-focus faced with the new situations of the basic research of new-generation Internet architecture as well as the new demands of innovative applications on Internet architecture. Internet has become the most important information infrastructure supporting modern socio-economic development, social progress and technological innovation. Invented 30 years ago, today Internet is facing increasingly severe technical challenges. This paper introduces the progress of the major international new generation Internet research plans its basic characteristics and the principal contradictions during the development; detailedly introduces the research carried out by 973 Project “Research of Future Internet Architecture ” on the key scientific issues of new-generation Internet architecture and its latest research results; and looks to the future of the research-focus faced with the new situations of the basic research of new-generation Internet architecture as well as the new demands of innovative applications on Internet architecture.
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