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泰兴县刁铺区大庙小学曹作新来信:我校是个乡村小学,有二百多个学生,七位教师。教师戚亚光兼经管学校一切财务。他在一九五二年任职以来,先后以收学费不发给收据、伪造学费收据、记重帐、涂改发票、变卖公家木料、石灰和收儿童杂费不入帐等方法,连续贪污了人民币四百多万元(旧币,以下同)。照理,像这样严重盗窃国家财富的犯罪行为,学校行政领导既经发觉后,应该严肃的处理才对,可是管校长却不是这样,由于他脑子里存在着资产阶级的享乐思想,平时常和戚在一起吃喝(一次就能吃去数万元)。没有钱用时,就到戚家去拿,因此,产生了纵容包庇的现象,甚至有共同分赃的渎职行为。为了共同贪污,管曾同意将一九五二年学费尾欠数以及茶水费结余款分掉。一九五四年九月,当范葆康老师查出公杂费和修建费相差廿七万元时,管校长不但不引起重视,竟纵容戚把这笔账假借其他名目报销。更恶劣的是在戚犯有贪污罪行后,他竟同意戚烧毁学费帐册单据,销毁罪证。当全校教师发觉戚的贪污行为,积极检举时,他还帮助戚掩饰,企图 Taoxing Diaobu District Daming Primary School Cao for the new letter: Our school is a rural primary school, with more than 200 students, seven teachers. Teacher Qi Ya-Guang and manage all the financial school. Since he assumed office in 1952, he has successively embezzled RMB 4 for failing to issue receipts for tuition and fees, forgery of tuition receipts, remeaning of accounts, alteration of invoices, sale of public wood, miscellaneous lime and collection of child miscellaneous fees, More than one million yuan (old coins, the same below). Reason, such a serious crime of theft of state wealth, school administration leaders have been found, should be handled seriously, but the tubemaster is not the case, because he exists in the minds of the bourgeois ideology of pleasure, usually and often Eat and drink together (one can eat tens of thousands of yuan). When there is no money to go to the Qi family to take, therefore, there has been the phenomenon of conniving at shelter, and even share the common misappropriation of dereliction of duty. In the interest of co-corruption, the Administration has agreed to split the 1965 tuition due and the balance of tea-money balances. In September 1954, when Fan Fan-kang discovered a difference of $ 270,000 in miscellaneous fees and construction costs, the headmaster not only paid no attention but actually relied on the reimbursement of this account in other categories. What is even worse is that after he had committed a corruption offense, he actually agreed to burn down the tuition bill and destroy the evidence of evidence. When the whole school teachers found Qi ’s corruption and actively reported, he also helped to conceal his attempts
目的 了解氟哌噻吨美利曲辛联合常规药物与单用常规药物治疗肠易激综合征(IBS)疗效的差异.方法 检索中国期刊全文数据库、中国维普全文数据库、PubMed外文期刊数据库,检出氟哌噻吨美利曲辛联合其他常规药物(匹维溴铵及马来酸曲美布汀)与单用常规药物治疗IBS的研究进行比较分析,并在此基础上进行异质性检验和合并效应量的估计.结果 共检出12项疗程为4~12周的氟哌噻吨美利曲辛联合其他常规药物治疗IBS
中队读书会是这样举行的: 首先乔玉瑛中队长向大家报告“和爸爸一起坐牢的日子”读书会的意义。接着大家发言。张光智介绍了本书作者卢大容是卢志英烈士的儿子,今年十八岁,
目的:本研究采用病例-对照的方法,探讨癌症相关创伤后应激障碍(cancer-related PTSD)的患病率、临床症状特征、心理社会影响因素、自主神经功能紊乱,分析PTSD核心症状与心率