,The Erga Omnes of the Protection of Fundamental Human Rights and the Complementary Protection of Re

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The United Nations Convention Relating to the Statusof Refugees 1951 and its Protocol in 1967 set Four Essentials to limit the definition of "refugee". The concept of complementary protec-tion emerged in academia and practice for those who, though they do not have the essentials, are in need of protection. Complementary protection is considered not only a moral obligation, but also a le-gal obligation. Although as the result of developing the principle of"non-refoulement" in inteational law, "complementary protection"should be limited when economic and social rights are conceed. The development of the non-refoulement principle and the emergence of"complementary protection" are based on the Erga Omnes of human rights. The Inteational Court of Justice has restricted the emergence and evolvement of obligations Erga Omnes within the scope of obliga-tions conceing fundamental and non-derogable human rights, and therefore, the application of "complementary protection" in protecting economic and social rights has been limited. Only when the unbalance of economic and social rights has been serious enough to impact other fundamental human rights will the obligation of "complementary pro-tection" ensue.
At present, the value revealed in the Universal Decla-ration of Human Rights is under attack, and the consensus on human rights value is experiencing division g
教员整体素质是影响任职教育中模拟器教学训练效果的关键,本文针对院校模拟器教员的现状以及存在的几个问题,提出了相应的对策建议。 The overall quality of teaching staf