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近几年来,随着经济的迅速发展,汽车数量在不断增多,交通事故发生频率也不断增加,驾驶过程中的安全事故愈发地凸显出来。人们更加重视司机在驾驶过程中的错误操作。分析失误操作的原因进行总结,主要是紧急刹车时将油门误当刹车造成的交通事故,占了很大比例。为了避免或减少驾驶员紧急刹车而误踩油门导致的交通事故,将防误踩油门技术作为汽车主动安全技术中的一种。国内外对防误踩油门系统及其关键技术的研究仍处在起步阶段,由于装置少,成本高,很难符合大众的需求。因此防误踩油门技术还有许多地方需要完善,针对这些情况,本文阐述了多种制动方案与措施来减少和避免误踩油门事件的发生。 In recent years, with the rapid economic development, the number of cars is constantly increasing, and the frequency of traffic accidents is also increasing. The safety accidents during driving are increasingly highlighted. People pay more attention to drivers in the process of driving the wrong operation. Analysis of the reasons for failure to summarize the operation, mainly when the emergency brake brake accident caused by accidental brake, accounting for a large proportion. In order to avoid or reduce the driver’s emergency brake accidentally stampede caused by traffic accidents, anti-step on the accelerator technology as a car initiative safety technology. At home and abroad, the research on anti-mis-step accelerator system and its key technologies is still in its infancy. Due to the small installation cost and high cost, it is difficult to meet the needs of the general public. Therefore, anti-step throttle technology there are many places need to be improved, in view of these circumstances, this article describes a variety of braking solutions and measures to reduce and avoid the accidental step on the throttle occurred.
【正】 对现代资产阶级哲学进行批判分析的透彻的研究,不能仅限于指出十九和二十世纪各种资产阶级哲学派别的思想性质。无庸置疑,确定这种阶级性质是对资产阶级哲学派别进行
【正】 让我们首先考虑一下解释学是如何着手它的工作的。由于解释的条件植根于传统,这对于“理解”导致了什么结果呢?我们在这里想起了这条解释学规则:我们必须根据细节来理
【正】 《存见古琴曲谱辑览》 古琴研究工作者,在找到一个研究题目时,往往苦于材料的难以搜集,因为古琴材料十分零散,同时有许多版本为私人独藏,一般人甚难看到,你想把十分零
目的:观察对原发性醛固酮增多症患者采用中药汤剂结合西药螺内酯治疗的临床效果。方法:选取70例PA患者随机分为两组各35例,对照组治疗主要给予螺内酯,3次/天,20 mg/次;治疗组在