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不少同学喜欢看中央电视台《焦点访谈》这个栏目,在那里,有的情节会让你热泪盈眶,有的事件会让你深受教育,还有的内容能激起你无穷的想像。也许问学们不会想到,这都是调查报告显示出来的独特魅力。中学生参加调查活动,不但可以了解社会,还能培养善于观察、分析的能力,我们何乐而不为呢?下面就来谈一谈写调查报告的几点基本要 Many students like to watch the CCTV “Focus Interview” section, where some plots will make you tearful, some events will educate you, and others will arouse your endless imagination. Perhaps students would not think that this is a unique charm that the investigation report shows. When middle school students participate in the survey activities, they can not only understand the society, but also develop skills that are good at observing and analyzing. What are we happy for? Here is a brief discussion of basic points for writing survey reports.
析字,又叫拆字。是从字的音、形、义三方面,进行离合、增损、推衍、附会的一种修辞方式。在古书记载和民间文学中,流传着不少有趣的析字故事。 Analysis of the word, also
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