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贵州轮胎股份有限公司原称贵州轮胎厂,始建于1958年,1996年上市,主要生产“前进”、“大力士”等品牌汽车斜交轮胎、全钢载重子午线轮胎、工程机械轮胎等,规格品种多达2000多个,是中国驰名商标、中国名牌产品。公司为国家大型一档企业,全国520户重点企业、全国十大轮胎公司和工程机械轮胎配套、出口基地之一,总装备部军用轮胎研发基地。 Guizhou Tire Co., Ltd. formerly known as Guizhou Tire Factory, was founded in 1958, listed in 1996, the main production “forward ”, “Hercules ” and other brands of bias car tires, steel truck radial tires, construction machinery Tires, etc., up to more than 2,000 specifications varieties, is China’s well-known trademarks, China’s brand-name products. Company for the country a large file companies, the country’s 520 key enterprises, the country’s top ten tire companies and construction machinery tire support, one of the export base, the General Armament Department of military tire R & D base.
论述了科技论文的及时性,给出了将论文及时写出来、及时发表出去、及时进入光盘或Internetl国际网的具体建议。 Discusses the timeliness of scientific papers and gives specific r
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故障现象一辆行程为46 km的迈腾1.8TSI车,用户购车后将车开回家便出现了发动机不能起动的现象,救援人员到现场后,发动机又能正常起动,故障没有再现。第2天用户再次抱怨发动机
本文围绕21世纪的重要特征,阐述了21世纪大学图书馆员继续教育的必要性,同时提出了图书馆员继续教育的几点看法。 Based on the important characteristics of the 21st cen
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9,10-Anthraquinone forms a series of molecular complexes with NO and NO 2,which are stable in solid state or in organic solutions at room temperature and will d