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李剑鸣,1960年6月生,湖南常德人。1982年毕业于湖南师范学院历史系,后执教于湖南益阳师专和湘潭大学。1986年考入南开大学历史研究所,1994年获博士学位。1995年晋升教授,1996年增列为博士生导师。现为南开大学历史学院教授,南开大学美国历史与文化研究中心主任。兼任中国美国史 Li Jianming, born in June 1960, Changde, Hunan. Graduated from Hunan Normal University Department of History in 1982, later taught in Hunan Yiyang Teachers College and Xiangtan University. He was admitted to the Institute of History of Nankai University in 1986 and received a doctorate in 1994. Professor was promoted in 1995, 1996 as a doctoral tutor. He is now a professor at the Nankai University History College and the director of the American History and Culture Research Center at Nankai University. Part-time China’s American history
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