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英国著名中亚史诗研究专家亚瑟·哈图开创了《玛纳斯》史诗的英译先河。学者身份使哈图的英译本浸染上浓厚的学术特色。一方面体现在文本形式上,具体表现为严谨的拉丁字母转写文,堪与学术著作媲美的序言、说明、附录、索引以及大量注释评论。另一方面体现在译本的文体形式与内容再现方面,文体上用散体取代诗体,抹消了《玛纳斯》史诗极强的韵律感,令译本失去文学审美价值;内容上直译原文文化意象,旨在为译者提供进一步阐发的土壤,以此深掘史诗承载的社会、历史、文化等学术价值。 Arthur Hatche, a famous expert on the Central Asian epicanalysis, pioneered the English translation of the “Manas Epic”. Scholar identity makes Hartu’s English translation of the strong academic characteristics. The one hand, reflected in the form of text, the specific performance of the rigorous Latin alphabet, comparable to the academic writings preface, description, appendix, index, and a large number of comments and comments. On the other hand, in the aspect of stylistic and content reproduction of translations, stylistic substitution of poetic form with scattered forms erase the strong sense of rhythm of “Manas” epics and make the translation lose the aesthetic value of literature; , Aims to provide the translator with further elucidation of the soil, in order to dig deep epic poetry bearing social, historical, cultural and other academic value.
本文从新的教学理念出发,针对从中职到高职英语教师的转变,指出高职英语教师的定位。 Starting from the new teaching concept, this article aims at the change from sec
Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are traveling by train. Out the windows, Tuc
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