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4月28日,北京人民大会堂,首都庆祝“五一”国际劳动节大会在这里隆重召开。 “我叫李玉环,是辽宁省凯森蒙制衣集团有限公司经理。”一位中年妇女走上大会主席台作先进事迹典型发言:“今天,我向各位领导和同志们汇报我下岗后的创业经历,感慨万千,心情十分激动……” 台下,掌声不时地打断李玉环的发言,听众的心被她的发言打动,也被她的创业事迹感动着。 On April 28, the Beijing Great Hall of the People and the capital celebrated the May Day International Labor Day convention here. “My name is Li Yuhuan, is the manager of Liaoning Kai Sen Meng Garment Group Co., Ltd. ” A middle-aged woman took to the podium of the General Assembly made a typical deeds of advanced deeds: “Today, I report to all the leaders and comrades After my laid-off entrepreneurial experience, with emotion, feeling very excited ... ”Under the stage, applause interrupted Li Yuhuan’s remarks from time to time, the listener’s heart impressed by her speech, but also by her entrepreneurial deeds touched.
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