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某市煤气热力供暖总公司的一台液化气体汽车罐车(以下简称“罐车”),系1989年2月制造。其设计压力为1.76MPa,容积为22.63m~3,装运介质为混合液化石油气,充装重量9500kg。1997年1月,该罐车在空车运行途中,因夜间行车,司机疲倦,致使罐车翻滚到公路边的田地中,罐车损坏,人员无伤亡。 1997年3月,该罐车进行了全面检验。检验中,发现罐车罐体共有3处塌陷,罐体塌陷位置见图1,具体 A liquefied gas tank truck (hereinafter referred to as “tanker”) of a city gas heating and heating company was manufactured in February 1989. The design pressure of 1.76MPa, volume of 22.63m ~ 3, the transport medium for the mixed liquefied petroleum gas, filling weight of 9500kg. In January 1997, the tanker landed at night due to driving at night and the driver was tired, causing the tanker to roll over into the fields on the roadside. The tanker was damaged and there was no casualties. In March 1997, the tanker was thoroughly inspected. Inspection, tank tank found a total of three collapsed, tank collapse location shown in Figure 1, specific
日前,由国家自然科学基金委员会资助、西北大学主办的第五届全球华人化工学者研讨会(The 5th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium)在陕西宾馆成功举行。来自加拿大
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