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魏红霞刚到所里来的时候,不熟悉业务,工作无法开展.但是她并没有被困难吓倒.从学打字开始入手.看书、查资料,虚心请教,细心观察,几个月后,便熟悉了业务.一个从未接触过拖拉机的姑娘;很快就能独立工作了,现在她已能独挡一面了.从她来所以后,打驾驶证就落到她的头上,到目前为止,她打的各类拖拉机驾驶证共4847个.所里人手少,每个人都身兼数职,她也没例外.除了要干监理业务外,又挑起了会计的重担.作为一名女性,家务事多.魏红霞不管家里有什么事,只要工作需要,她就放下孩子和家务,随男同志一起去路查,去考照,去检验去处理事故,而且常常是一出门就是十来天.不管夏天烈日当头,还是春秋冷风飕飕,在路上一站就是一整天,吃饭不能按时,更别提午休了.其中的辛苦只有同行才知道.魏红霞原是101团的,熟人多,同学多,但是在路查时,她不徇私情,不留面子,照章办事,给拖拉机手留下了铁面无私的深刻印象.她和全所的同志一起,1994 Wei Hongxia came to the time, not familiar with the business, the work can not be carried out, but she was not intimidated by difficulties .Starting from learning to type .Study, check the information, humbly ask for advice, careful observation, a few months later, will be familiar Business. A girl who has never been in contact with the tractor; soon able to work independently, and now she has been able to stand alone.Since she came, driving license fell on her head, so far, She hit a variety of tractor driver’s license a total of 4847. There are a small number of workers, each person has several jobs, she is no exception.In addition to dry supervision business, but also provoked the accounting burden.As a woman, No matter what my family’s work, Wei Hongxia no matter what the family, as long as the work needs, she put down their children and housework, go along with the gay men to check, to test the photos, to test to deal with the accident, and often a go is ten days no matter Summer hot days, or the spring and autumn cold air, a stop on the road is a whole day, dinner can not be on time, not to mention lunch break. Only hard work colleagues know .Wei Hongxia was 101 regiment, acquaintances and more students, but In the road check, she is not selfish, do not stay face, according to Work, to the tractor driver was impressed ruthless. She and the whole comrades together, 1994
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在纪念毛主席诞辰100周年的日子里,我们回想起五十年代接受毛主席亲切接见的幸福情景,不禁心潮起伏,思绪万千,沉浸在对伟大领袖的无限崇敬和深切怀念之中。 1957年4月下旬,
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