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   The effect of drinking on our national story begins with the Pilgrims[清教徒], who landed illegally[非法地] on Cape Cod. They had to land; they were running out of beer.
  “We could not now take time for further search,”explained William Bradford, who would become ruler of the Plymouth Bay Colony,“Our foods and drinks being much spent, especially our beer.”If the Pilgrims had succeeded in going to Virginia, perhaps the American character would be slow-moving, polite and gentle instead of rude the Yankee.
  Abigail Smith Adams is often thought of as a smart wife, who reminded her husband, President John Adams to remember the ladies. But perhaps you never know she was surrounded by alcoholics[灑鬼]. Her brother, two of her sons and two of her grandsons died of alcoholism. Like most alcoholics, they destroyed themselves, leaving the families sad.
   There are more rising moments in the history of alcohol in America. One of the greatest tragedies of the 20th century-the assassination[暗杀] of President John F. Kennedy-was also affected by a bottle. The Secret Service men who guarded the president and the first lady, and who rode in the car behind them in the Dallas motorcade, had been out until the early hours of the morning at the local bar. Some had been drinking. How could they protect the president at a moment that changed American history?
   Chief Justice Earl Warren certainly thought so. “Don’t you think that if a man went to bed early, and hadn’t been drinking the night before, he would be more watchful than if he stayed up until 3, 4 or 5 O’clock in the morning, doing some drinking?”he said.
  Warren noticed that some passers-by had seen Lee Harvey Oswald’s gun pointed out of the sixth-floor window of the Texas School Book Depository. How did the Secret Service men miss that? He wanted to know. Wouldn’t they have been more likely to notice what was going on if they were“free from any of the results of alcohol and lack of sleep”?
   Drinking is often invisible. It is a powerful, mostly unnoticed force shaping history and present events. Because it is legal, drinking goes unnoticed even when its effects are obvious.
   There’s nothing wrong with drinking, but its role in human events should be recognized. People’s lives were changed by what they drank, and this has changed who we are today.
内容提要 在海德格尔看来,实际生活并非像常识所体验的那样,只是客观地发生,它从指引式的倾向开始,经过看不见间距的双曲线,最终在自我封闭的椭圆阻断中失去自身。并且,从动态的过程上看,它不过是通过某种不断返照和事先建构的复杂关涉才得以实现的。可是,我们在关涉活动的返照中建构起来的周围世界,并不是本己的东西,而只是走向毁灭的生命废墟。  关键词 海德格尔 《对亚里士多德的现象学解释》 倾向 间距 双曲
关键词家庭教育 未成年人 受教育权 国家义务  受教育权是基本人权,其权利主体涵盖所有人的所有时空领域,未成年人的家庭教育是受教育权的重要组成部分。家庭教育是国民教育的基础,对未成年人的人格形成、习惯养成、个性发展等具有原生性和终身性的影响。随着我国学校教育的迅速扩张以及家庭结构的巨大变化,留守儿童等特殊未成年人群体日益扩大,使得作为家庭教育主体的父母在未成年人德育教化方面缺位或弱化。此外,部分家
The librarian went over to a small, noisy boy. “Please be quiet!” she warned. “The people around you can’t read!”  “They can’t?” The boy asked curiously. “Then what are they doing here?”  图书管理员走到一个喧闹的
2020年初,新型冠状病毒让我们隔离在家,时至今日,新冠还是我们预防的重点,给我们的生活也带来了很多的改变。小编为同学们整理了新型冠状病毒相关的英语知识点,希望对同学们有所帮助,仅供参考。   【知识点】   冠状病毒(coronavirus)是一类主要引起呼吸道、肠道疾病(respiratory and intestinal diseases)的病原体。这类病毒颗粒的表面有许多规则排列的突起
又一年高考结束,又一年分数线公布,又是几家欢喜几家愁。  想起我的高三,每天桌角上都摞着厚得足以砸死人的练习题,一周上6天课,每天睡眠不足6小时。但令人欣慰的是,与这些辛苦相伴的,是整个班级的人为了同一个简单而明确的目标一起努力、相互温暖。  那些日子,我们学到疯狂,也幸福至深。  那一年,我最喜欢的诗句是海子《历史》中的一句:“青铜浸透了泪水。”我一直认为这写的就是我们高三时的心境,每个人都坚强
内容提要   国民政府公务员考绩制度对薪俸的影响主要表现在决定公务员次年的加薪、晋级或者减俸、降级及免职。国民政府时期有限的人员之考绩使考绩制度的宗旨可望而不可企及;同时在这有限的考绩中,加薪、晋级人员太多,减俸、降级及免职人员太少,以及“官本位”、“关系效应”和“趋中效应”的充斥使考绩流于形式。考绩制度的虚化,直接加重了国民政府的财政负担,加剧了国民政府吏治的污浊,也加速了其灭亡。  关键词
农村人把日子好,说成“芝麻开花节节高”,然而,这种高之内涵,是让生活中若干细节,变得愈来愈简单。   如今,我们做饭时,把煤气灶开关旋钮,转动一个角度,灶眼上火苗,就冒出来了。然后把锅放到上面,加上水,用不几分钟,水就开了。   可在我小的时候,烧水做饭却是天大的事。仅就烧柴获取而言,繁杂艰辛,需经若干环节。秋天,是获取天然燃料最为集中季节,农作物成熟,果实收获后,秸秆被砍下,成排晾晒
近年来,人们对文学批评与兵法思想之间的关系进行了宏观上的探讨。在这一过程中,现有研究多集中于探讨兵法与理论两者之间在词汇上的关系,特别是对“气”“势”“奇正”等范畴进行了考察。①在上述基础上,将对兵法的关注转移到兵器,及其渗透于理论的方式,尚需要进一步探索。这是因为在中国文学批评中,人们通过类比和隐喻,将使用兵器的经验渗透于文学创作之中,对文学的写作规律进行了描述,形成了独特的批评方式。  按照与
关键词:蜗牛;教学相长;真实案例  中图分类号:G623.6 文献标识码:B文章编号:1009-010X(2007)09-0063-02    那是去年九月的第一节自然课,上课时同学们带来了许多材料,有蚯蚓、湿土、干土,纸盒等,其中李朋威同学带来了很多只蜗牛。本课的一个重要内容是实验验证蚯蚓适宜生活的环境,实验时许多同学用蚯蚓做实验,取得了很好的效果。李朋威用蜗牛代替蚯蚓实验,同样取得了较好的效果
Customer: Waiter, just look at the chicken you served. It’s nothing but skin and bones!  Waiter: What else do you want, sir? Would you also like the feathers?  顧客:服务员,看看你端上来的鸡肉。除了皮和骨头,什么也没有!  服务员:先生,你