Coherent Single-Electron Transfer in Coupled Semiconductor Quantum Dots Driven by a Few-Cycle Pulse

来源 :Communications in Theoretical Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:assofour
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We theoretically study the coherent transport of a single electron between the ground states of a double coupled quantum dot structure. The coherent transport is externally controlled by applying a few-cycle pulse with an adjustable carrier-envelope phase(CEP). By simulating numerically, it is shown that there exhibits a strong dependence of electron transport on the CEP and on the arrival time of few-cycle pulse. We provide a simple analytical description for this phenomenon by approximating the quantum dot structure as a three-level Λ-type system. These results also illustrate the potential of utilizing excitation in coupled quantum dots as a means of measuring the CEP of few-cycle pulses. We theoretically study the coherent transport of a single electron between the ground states of a double coupled quantum dot structure. The coherent transport is externally controlled by applying a few-cycle pulses with an adjustable carrier-envelope phase (CEP). By simulating numerically, we provide a simple analytical description for this phenomenon by approximating the quantum dot structure as a three-level Λ-type system These results also illustrate the potential of utilizing excitation in coupled quantum dots as a means of measuring the CEP of few-cycle pulses.
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