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1919~1920年北京教职员的索薪运动,是民国时期教育独立运动的真正开端。此次索薪运动,矛头直指北京政府,明确提出教育独立的主张,政府也因此明令确定教育基金;它激起教育界的自觉意识,使教育独立运动在二十年代成为教育界共同的声音;它还引发教育界内部一系列问题,比如教育界与政府的关系问题,教育界对庚子赔款的争夺问题等。剖析此次索薪运动,可以管窥民国时期的整个教育界。 The wage-seeking movement of staff in Beijing from 1919 to 1920 was the very beginning of the independent movement of education during the Republic of China. The pay-salaries movement, spearhead directed at the Beijing government, clearly put forward the idea of ​​independence of education, the government has therefore clearly set an education fund; it aroused the consciousness of the education sector, so that education in the 1920s independent movement to become the common voice of education It also raises a series of problems within the education sector, such as the relationship between education and government and the competition between education and Geng Zi. Analysis of the pay-salaries exercise, you can glimpse the entire education during the Republic of China.
根据荷载规范结合门式刚架设计规程,针对实例进行验证,提出在设计中钢结构仓库板型选择的探讨的应对措施及注意事项并得出结论。 According to the load specification comb
Research on the effects of soil erosion on soil productivity has attracted increasing attention.Purple soil is one of the main soil types in China and plays an
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