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编辑你好!我们这里田间管理机械最常用的就是农药喷雾机了,而我们使用的喷雾机使用寿命都不很长,不是哪坏了买不到配件修复不了,就是喷洒效果太差不能用了。我们很想了解怎样才能买到质量好的喷雾器,怎样使用、维护才能延长它的使用寿命。宁夏杨金平2015年7月11日杨金平你好!与其他农用器具一样,喷雾机也是由许多大大小小的零件组成的,一部质量好的喷雾机,不仅要求各个零件从外形、尺寸及理化性能必须要达到设计上的要求外,零件间的位置、方向及尺寸也必须符合设计技术要求,只有满足这些要求,才算质量好的产品,保持了好的质量,也就保障了产品的设计使用寿命。看来,要想保障或延长喷雾机的使用寿命,必须从选购开始,让喷雾机一开始就具备好的质量,之后就是合理的使用与维护…,还是先阅读一下下面这篇文章吧。 Edit Hello! Our field management machinery here is the most commonly used pesticide sprayer, and we use the sprayer life is not very long, not where the bad can not buy the accessories can not be repaired, that is, the spray effect is too bad can not be used . We would love to know how to buy a good quality sprayer, how to use it and how to maintain it to prolong its service life. Ningxia Yang Jinping July 11, 2015 Yang Jinping Hello! Like other farm equipment, the sprayer is also made up of many large and small parts. A good quality sprayer not only requires the parts to be shaped, sized and Physical and chemical properties must meet the design requirements, the location of the parts, the direction and size must also meet the design requirements, only to meet these requirements, can be considered good quality products, maintaining good quality, also protect the product Design life. It seems that in order to protect or extend the service life of the sprayer, it must be purchased from the beginning, so that the sprayer has good quality from the outset, followed by the rational use and maintenance ..., or read the following article.
A sensitive, simple, and accurate method was developed for the determination and pharmacokinetic comparison of cinnamic acid in rat plasma after the administrat