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  A radio report caught my attention the other day, as it spoke straight to my heart: Cadets1 at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., are now required to revisit and potentially revive the ancient skill of steering a ship by the stars.
  By the stars—imagine that: looking up at the sky, not down at a screen, so many years after the heavens’ critical role in guiding mariners has fallen by the wayside,2 first displaced by radio waves, then by modern GPS. Much is gained—but something also lost—in such progress, I think.
  Chalk it up to my love of 18th- and 19th-century seafaring tales (reading them is one of my coping mechanisms for life in the landlocked Midwest), when sailors had only celestial maps for navigation and still miraculously managed to sail the planet’s vast oceans and even circumnavigate the globe.3
  Recent cybersecurity concerns have triggered renewed interest in backup navigational strategies such as stargazing, and simple hand-held technologies like the sextant, so often invoked in Richard Henry Dana’s Two Years Before the Mast, a tale that chronicles a mid-19th-century merchant ship’s endlessly harrowing voyage from Boston to California and back.4
  I wouldn’t wish the harsh conditions of that trip on modern sailors, but I am all for anything that gets people clued in to their compass bearings and travel trajectories without high-tech and often mindless guidance.5
  “Is that north or south of here?” I’ve asked motel clerks and gas station attendants about a particular address I’m seeking in my GPS-less travels.
  “Well, it’s that way,” comes the most frequent reply, accompanied by a pointed finger, and I realize that north, south, east, and west are not familiar coordinates to many people otherwise thoroughly attuned to the local lay of their land.6
  To be fair, I haven’t always been attuned to compass points either. In fact it was not until I was a young adult, lazing on a float in my parents’ pool on a late summer’s visit home, and watching the sun dip below the roofline—with a chilling shadow sliding across the water—that I first realized that my childhood home faced due west7. It struck me as odd at the time that I’d been oblivious8 to this simple fact, especially since I’d begun to be schooled in geology and certainly in compass work. But like so many, I’d grown up thinking and navigating in terms of other coordinates, based on familiar streets, rights and lefts, and reference points such as my school, the homes of friends, the nearest playground, and the local shopping plaza.   One day, when a car pulled alongside me on my small bike and the driver asked for directions to a Rochester, N.Y., landmark, I told him to drive to Kathy’s house, turn left, and then turn right at my school, and so forth. He smiled wanly, tipped his hat,9 and drove on to more helpful directions, one hopes.
  All the while, the sun moved overhead in the deeply familiar curvature10 I never fully attended.
  I’ve long since become accustomed to finding my bearings on travels in unfamiliar territory11 by the sun’s position. And now I’d love to sit in on a class at the academy to learn to navigate by the moon and stars. It’s a skill I’ll likely never need to draw upon. Yet just knowing how it would connect me, in a new and profound way, to the historical arc of human experience on this planet.
  As for modern sailors, it might just bring them safely home one day, if all else fails.
Can we do without cash? Since 2015, digital payments in the UK have outnumbered those in cash, and we are invited by the great and the good1 to cheer this on. The fully cashless era will be magnificen
电影院爆米花为什么那么贵?  捧着爆米花看电影可谓人生一大乐事,既有视觉盛宴可赏,又有飘香零食可享。不过,众所周知,电影院里的爆米花卖得很贵。不仅爆米花如此,汽水、糖果等其他商品也售价不菲,为什么呢?消费者被坑了吗?调查研究结果表明,我们都想错了,快来看看到底是怎么一回事吧!
历届大合影从下午4点开始拍。摄影师足足拍了50分钟。  拍完第一张全体照后,人群散开,有人开始报幕似地喊着,“90年玉珠峰”、“91年慕士塔格”、“92年念青唐古拉”……话音一落,三五人走进镜头嬉闹,快门闪过,很快又换了一群人相视莞尔。  镜头里的面孔越来越年轻,数到“2018年珠峰”,很多人尚是未毕业的学生。唯一不变的,是一面红色的旗帜,上边写着“北京大学山鹰社”。  今年4月,北京大学山鹰社迎
地名作为文化的一部分,蕴藏了丰富而有趣的历史内涵和语言知识。作为地名的一部分,世界上众多海洋、湖泊的名称很早就已经固定下来。而在当时,由于地名翻译并没有通行的规定,因此,翻译出来的地名也是异彩纷呈、多姿多彩。这些词语中的绝大部分是音译,如:Indian Ocean(印度洋),Caribbean Sea(加勒比海),Baltic Sea(波罗的海),Aegean Sea(爱琴海),但也有少量的是纯粹
All right. Try this,  Then. Every body  I know and care for,  And every body  Else is going  To die in a loneliness  I can’t imagine and a pain  I don’t know. We had  To go on living. We  Untangled th
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1.GMO:全称为genetically modifiedorganism,转基因生物。