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邓小平同志的名字在当代不仅铭刻在我国人民心中,家喻户晓、妇孺皆知,而且在国际社会中风云际会、无人不晓。可以毫不夸大地说,以邓小平同志为代表的中国共产党,团结中国人民,在短短的十六个年头中为我国振兴创造的业绩,前无古人;也是当今世界上任何一位当政者、政党和国家无法企及的.邓小平同志不仅在国内,而且在国际上广泛地受到钦佩和尊敬,这决不是偶然的.邓小平是属于中国人民的,是属于我们这个时代的。他的非凡业绩,他在世界上得到的赞扬,应该说是中国人民的骄傲,是我们这个时代的骄傲。 我们每个炎黄子孙,都应该饮水思源。我们五十岁左右的人,特别是老一辈人,都经历了革命战争和新旧中国的交替。解放前的旧中国是个什么样子呢?只能用“穷困、落后、内忧、外患”八个字来概括。四万万五千万同胞处在水深火热之中,衣不蔽体、食不果腹;现代工商业少得可怜,只在国民经济中占10%左右,其余都是沿袭着古代生产方式的分散农业和手工业.蒋家王 In the contemporary era, Comrade Deng Xiaoping's name is not only engraved in the hearts of the people of our country, it is a household name, and everybody knows everything about it. It is no exaggeration to say that the Chinese Communist Party, represented by Comrade Deng Xiaoping, unite the Chinese people and create unprecedented achievements for the rejuvenation of our country in the short span of 16 years. It is also unprecedented for any current leader, party and leader in the world It is no accident that Comrade Deng Xiaoping is admired and respected not only domestically but also internationally, which belongs to the Chinese people and belongs to our time. His extraordinary achievements, his praise in the world, should be said that he is the pride of the Chinese people and the pride of our time. Every one of our sons and daughters of ours should have a source of drinking water. Our 50-year-olds, especially the older generation, have undergone a revolutionary war and the alternation of old and new China. What did the old China before the liberation look like? It can only be summed up in the phrase “poverty, backwardness, internal problems and foreign aggression.” Four hundred and fifty million of our compatriots are in dire straits, unwearied and unappetizing; modern industry and commerce are pitiful, accounting for only about 10% of the national economy, while the rest are scattered agriculture followed by ancient modes of production and Handicraft industry
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Nanowire-shaped α-Mo O3 was synthesized on a large scale by hydrothermal route.Nanocrystalline α-Mo2 C phase was obtained by the carburization of α-Mo O3 nan
一、切实抓好农业继续教育是提高农业科技人员业务素质和水平的主要途径。农业继续教育具有在职学习,结合实际, First, earnestly implementing agricultural continuing e
|编辑同志: 我们到甘肃省夏河、碌曲、玛曲等县的部分乡级学校,对牧区基础教育进行调查,从中了解到不少问题,入学率低、学生流动大、辍学现象严重等尤为突出.最严重的乡入学