
来源 :常德师范学院学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoqy
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不同结荚习性大豆生殖生长的比较研究对大豆生产是有益的 ,特别是对提高大豆育种的杂交成功率是大有益处的。本研究表明 :不同结荚习性大豆品种的始花期和花期长度是不同的 ,无限型和亚有限型大豆开花较早且花期较长 ,有限型大豆浓农 91- 4 4开花晚、花期短。无限型大豆浓农 92 - 16和亚有限型大豆浓豆 4号开花高峰出现较早 ,而有限型大豆浓农 91- 4 4开花晚 ,在开花中期日开花量剧增。无限型大豆沈农 92 - 16结荚率低 ( 2 3 .6% ) ,亚有限型大豆沈豆 4号居中 ,为 2 7.75 % ,有限型大豆沈农 91- 4 4结荚率最高 ,达 4 3 .5 0 %。大豆不同植侏部位的结荚率也不相同 ,在冠层上部结荚率较高 ,其次是中部和下部。这意味着生产上要注意冠层上部和中部荚的形成 ;大豆育种者应选择冠层中上部的花做杂交 ,其成功率会大大提高。各种结荚习性大豆开花中期形成的荚其灌浆速率较高。在籽粒形成过程中 ,蛋白质和指肪含量的变化一直呈负相关关系。 A comparative study of reproductive growth of different pod habit soybean is beneficial to soybean production, especially for improving the success rate of cross breeding of soybean breeding. The results showed that the initial flowering and anthesis length of different sowing soybean varieties were different, and the infinitesimal and sub-limited soybean flowering earlier and the flowering longer, the limited-type soybean Liannong 91- 4 4 flowering late and the flowering period short. Inflorescence soybean 92 - 16 and sub - limited soy bean 4 flowering peak appeared earlier, while the limited soybean flowering 91- 4 4 flowering late flowering in mid - flowering increased dramatically. Infinite soybean Shennong 92 - 16 had a low pod rate (23.6%), sub-limited soybean Shenzhu 4 was the middle (2 7.75%), and the limited soybean Shennong 91- 4 4 had the highest pod rate 4 3 .5 0%. The rate of podding was not the same in different parts of soybean, and the rate of podding was higher in the canopy, followed by the middle and lower parts. This means that production should pay attention to the formation of the upper canopy and the middle pod; soybean breeders should choose the upper canopy flower hybridization, the success rate will be greatly enhanced. A variety of pod habit soybean mid-flowering pod formation of the higher filling rate. In the process of grain formation, there was a negative correlation between protein and finger content.
The combined 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference will be held during the third week of December, 2009 at a location
介绍了在室温下用 1mol·L- 1 盐酸直接浸提甘薯样品 ,并用络合滴定法测定钙和镁含量的方法。研究了试验条件和共存离子的干扰。对 4种样品 ,分别重复 5次测定其含量 ,平均变
采用聚丙烯酰胺垂直平板电泳技术对披碱草和野大麦及其杂种 F1和 BC1过氧化物酶(POD)同工酶做了比较分析。结果表明 ,亲本披碱草和野大麦的 POD同工酶谱可明显地分成A、B两区