
来源 :中国林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:superheron
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今年是中国改革开放30周年,同时又是中日和平友好条约缔结30周年。30年来,中日关系走过了非同寻常的发展历程,我国更是发生了翻天覆地的变化。在这一系列的变化和发展中,中日两国林业交流与合作同样取得了长足的进步。小渊基金项目是由前日本首相小渊惠三提议设立的中日两国民间团体和机构共同实施的绿化合作项目,是根据1998年江泽民主席访问日本和1999年日本首相小渊惠三访华时两国领导人达成的共识确立的。1999年11月,中日两国政府签署换文,决定设立中日民间绿化合作委员会,开展两国绿化合作事业。河北省是最早实施小渊基金造林项目的省份之一,目前再建和完成的造林项目的合作领域包括水土保持、水源涵养、沙荒治理等方面,合作团体和机构来自林业、青联、对外友协、友好城市等部门。本期我们推出河北省林业系统开展小渊基金项目取得的成就,以飨读者。 This year marks the 30th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up. It is also the 30th anniversary of the conclusion of the peace and friendship treaty between China and Japan. In the past 30 years, the relations between China and Japan have gone through an unusual course of development, and tremendous changes have taken place in our country. In this series of changes and developments, the forestry exchanges and cooperation between China and Japan have also made great strides. The Fukuyama Foundation project is a green cooperation project jointly implemented by the civil society and agencies of China and Japan established by former Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi. It was based on the visit of President Jiang Zemin to Japan in 1998 and the visit by Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi of Japan in 1999 The consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries was established. In November 1999, the two governments signed an exchange of notes and decided to set up a Sino-Japanese joint committee on greening and greening and carry out the undertaking of afforestation and cooperation between the two countries. Hebei Province was one of the earliest provinces to implement the Fukien Foundation Afforestation Project. At present, the areas for rebuilding and completing afforestation projects include soil and water conservation, water conservation and desertification control. The cooperative groups and institutions are from forestry, youth federations, Friendly city and other departments. In this issue, we introduced the achievements made by the Forestry System of Hebei Province in implementing the Obuchi Fund Project to readers.
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