Effect of Freeze-thaw Cycles on Bond Strength between Steel Bars and Concrete

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahanyin
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The effect of freezing and thawing cycles on mechanical properties of concrete(compressive, splitting tensile strength)was experimentally investigated.According to the pullout test data of three kinds of deformed steel bars,the bond stress-slip curves after freezing and thawing were obtained.The empirical equations of peak bond strength were proposed that the damage accounted for effects of freezing and thawing cycle.Meanwhile,the mechanism of bond deterioration between steel bars and concrete after freezing and thawing cycles was discussed.All these conclusions will be useful to the durability design and reliability calculation of RC structures in cold region. The effect of freezing and thawing cycles on mechanical properties of concrete (compressive, splitting tensile strength) was experimentally investigated. According to the pullout test data of three kinds of deformed steel bars, the bond stress-slip curves after freezing and thawing were obtained. The empirical equations of peak bond strength were proposed that the damage accounted for effects of freezing and thawing cycle. Mianwhile, the mechanism of bond deterioration between steel bars and concrete after freezing and thawing cycles was discussed. All these conclusions will be useful to the durability design and reliability calculation of RC structures in cold region.
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