Direct and Indirect Effects of Socioeconomic Factors on Age at First Marriage in Slum Areas,Banglade

来源 :Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xdh188
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This article attempts to examine the influence of some selected predictor variables on female age at first marriage in slum areas of Bangladesh.A path and multiple classification analysis(MCA) approach have been adopted.Authors thought that respondent’s educational level and the mass media such as watching television have a significant direct impact on age at marriage,while the types of family and occupational status have an indirect effect on age at marriage. This article tries to examine the influence of some selected predictor variables on female age at first marriage in slum areas of Bangladesh. A path and multiple classification analysis (MCA) approach have been adopted. Authors thought that respondent’s educational level and the mass media such as watching television have a significant direct impact on age at marriage, while the types of family and occupational status have an indirect effect on age at marriage.
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