
来源 :公路交通科技(应用技术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kkyilian2
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随着交通量的不断增加,路基加宽工程日益增加。高等级公路加宽工程在设计和施工中必须根据工程的特点,高度重视质量薄弱的环节,并采取有针对性的处理措施,才能确保工程质量。其中,如何控制新旧路基差异变形,提高加宽后路基稳定性是一个值得关注的重大问题。大量的工程实践表明,对于高等级公路加宽工程中新旧路基产生不均匀沉降及路面产生破坏的原因是多方面的。本文基于实际工程,利用FLAC3D软件建立了道路加宽的数值模型,对路基的沉降特性以及横向位移进行了研究,认为路基加宽可以起到反压护道的作用。所得结论对于公路加宽工程有实际的指导意义。 With the continuous increase of traffic, subgrade widening project is increasing. High-grade highway widening project in the design and construction must be based on the characteristics of the project, attaches great importance to the quality of weak links, and take targeted measures to ensure the quality of the project. Among them, how to control the difference between the old and new subgrade deformation and improve the stability of widened subgrade is a significant issue that deserves attention. A large number of engineering practice shows that there are many reasons for uneven subsidence of the old and new roadbed and destruction of the road surface in the widening of high-grade highways. Based on the actual project, a numerical model of road widening is established by using FLAC3D software. The settlement characteristics and lateral displacements of subgrade are studied. It is considered that widening subgrade can play the role of anti-pressure guard. The conclusion is of practical significance to highway widening project.
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