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  【关键词】互文标记 互文理论 中国古典诗歌 英译策略
  【Abstract】Endowed with a prolonged history, Chinese classical poems are replete with intertextual marks. Derived from the Intertextual theory, Intertextual marks refer to some words or sentences that function as links between the interrelated texts. Admittedly, the more accurately these intertextual marks are rendered, the more sufficiently word meanings and emotional overtones are conveyed. Therefore, this paper propounds several feasible translation strategies.
  【Key words】intertextual marks; Intertextual theory; Chinese classical poetry; translation strategies
  1. Introduction
  Julia Kristeva, a well-reputed French semiotician, originally proposed the notion of intertextuality which is particularly coined as to clarify the interdependent relationship between texts. According to Julia Kristeva, all signifying systems from table settings to poems, are constituted by the manner in which they transform earlier signifying systems. Besides, any text is constructed of a mosaic quotations; any text is the absorption and transformation of another (Kristeva, 1969: 66). Derived from the Intertextual theory, Intertextual marks refer to some words or sentences that function as links between the interrelated texts.
  Later, some poststructuralists had this intertextuality theory applied into translation studies, especially poetry translation. With plumbing into the depths of these handy translated versions, some practical strategies pertaining to intertextual marks translation can be construed and summarized, thus serving as a reference for the ensuing researches and studies.
  2. Suggested Translation Strategies of Intertextual Marks
  2.1 Literal Translation
  Intertextual marks are more often than not expressive of the traditional culture that a certain country boasts of. Notwithstanding these unique cultural marks, there exist arrays of intertextual marks whose cultural connotation are fathomed worldwide. Under such condition, these intertextual marks can be appropriately translated by adopting literal translation. Here an example is illustrated as follows.
  In this poem, “黄金屋” and “颜如玉” are intertextual marks that had be also employed in The Peony Pavilion (牡丹亭), one of the most acclaimed drama in ancient China. It goes like this: 谩说书中能富贵, 颜如玉, 和黄金屋在那里? In the aforementioned poem, the underlined characters “黄金屋” and “颜如玉” are translated respectively into “the room of yellow gold” and “the jade-smooth cheeks”, which, for one thing, enables readers to give their fancy to play that what a stunning beauty she is with her countenance likened to jade, and how imposing and grandiose the dwelling is with stacks of gold filled in, and for another, satisfies the psychological expectation of foreign readers for the oriental culture and exotic flavor.   2.2 Cultural Substitution
  Cultural substitution refers to replacing the intertextual marks in the source language with an expression carrying the specific cultural connotation in the target language. Such an expression might not be equivalent to the meanings that the intertextual marks bear.
  “杜宇” in the poem is an ubiquitous cultural image redolent of sadness and desperateness in Chinese literary works. It is also an intertextual mark that sweeps myriad works. Historically speaking, “杜宇” is a culture-loaded word in Chinese. How to translate “杜宇” has concerned many a translator. Yang Xianyi had it rendered into “cuckoo” while Hawks translated it into “nightingale”. Honestly speaking, cuckoo is not hued with any sorrow and grief whereas nightingale is literarily symbolic of sadness in western culture. John Keats once composed a poem entitled Ode to Nightingale in which nightingale represents gloom.
  The translation strategy that Hawks adopted is the cultural substitution which circumvents the understanding barrier, thereby rendering the target readers palatable to the original.
  3. Conclusion
  This paper has put forward some practical translation strategies with a view to helping translators command how to translate intertextual marks more properly. Nevertheless, it is still a nut for scholars to crack in terms of how to more seamlessly incorporate the intertextual theory into the translation theory so as to present such a translated version which is commensurate with the original in various respects.
  [1]Cao,Xueqin.(1980).A dream of red mansions.(Trans.Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang).Beijing:Foreign Language Press.
  [2]Cao,Xueqin.(1987).The story of the stone.(Trans.David Hawks and Minfold).London:Penguin Books.
【摘要】本文以《红楼梦》汉英文本中贾母的道歉情感话语为语料,分析和总结了两个文本中对于同一事件的语言表达差异、制约性因素及其所反映的文化环境差异。  【关键词】情感话语 道歉 《红楼梦》 间接 直接  一、情感、情感话语的界定和效用  何为情感?《现代汉语词典》将其定义为“对外界刺激肯定或否定的心理反应,如喜欢、愤怒、悲伤、恐惧、爱慕、厌恶等。”英语中表达情绪、情感的常用词汇有“feeling”和
【摘要】彼特·纽马克是英国的著名翻译理论家,他的一生都在致力于翻译实践。本文作者借用纽马克提出的交际翻译法浅析伊丽莎白二世女王的晚宴致辞。  【关键词】伊丽莎白二世女王的晚宴致辞 纽马克 交际翻译法  一、引言  伦敦时间2015年10月20日,国家主席习近平和夫人彭丽媛出席了英国女王伊丽莎白二世在白金汉宫举行的盛大欢迎晚宴。中英两国领导人的此次会晤,促进了两国经济、政治和文化的全面发展,加深了两
【摘要】习语作为一个民族在历史文化和风土人情上通过语言精炼的体现,反应的是一个民族的精神内核。正因如此,习语带有不可复制的独特性,那么如何更好站在文化的角度上更好的认识西方的习语,并在翻译的过程中尽可能将其精髓加以体现,是本文旨在探讨的问题。  【关键词】习语 民族文化 差异 翻译  一、什么是习语  语言是文化的载体,习语作为加工后语言,体现的是不同民族在历史沿革和社会发展中所形成的风土人情和所
【摘要】随着人类社会进步、经济发展,全球一体化趋势日益明显。不同国家之间的文化交流逐渐增强。翻译工作就显得尤为重要,而新闻英语翻译更是重中之重,由于受文化制约,新闻信息翻译过程往往出现不准确的现象。因此分析跨文化意识在新闻翻译中的作用,运用恰当的手法处理不同文化之间的交流问题已经是当今世界研究的热点。通过列举实例,阐述了跨文化意识在新闻翻译中的作用,以期为相关人员提供借鉴。  【关键词】新闻英语
【摘要】在国家非遗文化湘绣日益发展的今天,国际化市场进一步扩展,而湘绣针法由于其专业性强、认知范围小,翻译难度大,鲜有相关的英译资源研究。本文对湘绣针法的英译问题进行了研究,并探讨了相应的翻译方法,对湘绣文化的国际传播具有重要的意义。  【关键词】湘绣针法 英译方法  一、概述  作为中国传统“四大名绣”之一湘绣文化,有着自己独特的艺术特色。湘绣作品通常在中国画底稿的基础上进行再创作,这样既保留了
【摘要】随着我国经济体制国际化程度发展的加快,越来越多的企业把目光投向了国门外的世界,让世界了解中国企业及其产品的一个有效手段就是广告,对于外国企业来说,打进中国市场占领有利的市场份额的直接手段也是通过广告。因此,在这种跨文化背景下的广告英语翻译已经成为企业国际化发展的重要手段之一。  【关键词】广告英语 翻译 特点 建议  一、基本概念  1.广告英语。广告英语是一种重要的实用文体,有自己独特的