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I wasn’t a t hief One day I went out and left my key at home. When I came back, I couldn’t get in because my wife was away staying with her friends. I had to break a window, so I found a big stone. There was a great noise when I broke the glass, and I had to be careful when I reached through to turn the I was not at hief One day I went out and left my key at home. When I came back, I could not get in because my wife was away staying with her friends. I had to break a window, so I found a there was a great noise when I broke the glass, and I had to be careful when I reached through to the turn the
This Season:the fastest fingers at the piano belong to Yuja Wang.Michael Church expects to be dazzled at the Verbier Festival... If the Olympics had a keyboard
分析了汽油吸附脱硫装置用高频启闭金属密封球阀的工况条件和技术要求,提出了阀门结构和喷涂材料的改进方案。 The operating conditions and technical requirements of hi
There is a lion in a forest. Every day he goes out to look for food. The small animals in the forest are all afraid of him.  Not far from the forest there are four bulls(公牛). They are good friends,and
与初中英语相比,高中英语课文的内容更多,句子更复杂,生词更多,语法更繁杂,课堂进度更快,教学方法也不同,学习要求更高,作业量更大。可见,初高中英语存在着明显的差异。因此,高中学生若想更好地适应高中英语学习,则应充分认识到上述的不同之处,并注意如下几点。  一、 明确学习目标,学会活学活用  在高中英语学习中,学生应明白如何才能学好英语,即明确学习目标。在实际教学中,我们会发现如下情况,在学习一篇课
Look at my bathroom.I have a big bath tub(浴缸).There is a shower(淋浴喷头)above the bathtub.There is a toilet(马桶)in the bathroom too.Where is it?Haha.The bea