Microstructure and properties of novel polarization maintaining fiber

来源 :Journal of Central South University of Technology(English Ed | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangxiaolong43
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An improved type of elliptical jacket polarization maintaining fiber was developed by using a modified chemical vapor deposition method with special treatment. Different from conventional elliptical jacket, the shape of the stress jacket was transmuted. The cross-section of fiber consists of 5 layers: substrate, outer cladding, stress jacket, inner cladding and core. The cross sectional component distribution was investigated by electron probe microscopy and energy dispersive spectrum. The finite element method was used to calculate the stress birefringence. Based on the analyses of the microstructure, the technological process is improved. The temperature cycling test of the fiber wound into gyroscope coils was performed. The results show that the fiber possesses superior performance at high and low temperatures compared with other fibers. The high homogeneity is achieved by well-controlled modified chemical vapor deposition process. A homogeneous length of 8 km fiber is obtained. With advantages in homogeneity and length, the fiber has great potential in applications such as fiber gyroscopes, fiber hydrophone and other optical fiber sensors. An improved type of elliptical jacket polarization maintaining fiber was developed by using a modified chemical vapor deposition method with special treatment. Different from conventional elliptical jacket, the shape of the stress jacket was transmuted. The cross-section of fiber consists of 5 layers: substrate The outer cladding, stress jacket, inner cladding and core. The cross sectional component distribution was investigated by electron probe microscopy and energy dispersive spectrum. The finite element method was used to calculate the stress birefringence. Based on the analyzes of the microstructure, the technological The results show that the fiber possesses superior performance at high and low temperatures compared with other fibers. The high homogeneity is achieved by well-controlled modified chemical vapor deposition process. A homogeneous length of 8 km fiber is obtained. Wit h advantages in homogeneity and length, the fiber has great potential in applications such as fiber gyroscopes, fiber hydrophone and other optical fiber sensors.
布拉格之春    首都布拉格是捷克最大的城市,位于中波希米亚州,跨越伏尔塔瓦河两岸,处于欧洲大陆的中心,介于柏林与维也纳之间,是重要的交通枢纽,拥有关键性的战略地位。布拉格也曾是捷克斯洛伐克共和国的首都,并于1920年与周围郊区合并,形成大布拉格,在第二次世界大战期间被德国占领。1945年5月5日,布拉格获得解放,随后开始进行重建。捷克和斯洛伐克分裂后,又成为捷克共和国首都。  布拉格依山傍水,是
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