Effective Thermal Conductivity Analysis of Xonotlite-aerogel Composite Insulation Material

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:annybill1984
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A 3-dimensional unit cell model is developed for analyzing effective thermal conductivity of xonotlite-aerogelcomposite insulation material based on its microstructure features. Effective thermal conductivity comparisonsbetween xonotlite-type calcium silicate and aerogel as well as xonotlite-aerogel composite insulation material arepresented. It is shown that the density of xonotlite-type calcium silicate is the key factor affecting the effectivethermal conductivity of xonotlite-aerogel composite insulation material, and the density of aerogel has little influence.The effective thermal conductivity can be lowered greatly by composite of the two materials at an elevatedtemperature. A 3-dimensional unit cell model is developed for analyzing effective thermal conductivity of xonotlite-aerogelcomposite insulation material based on its microstructure features. Effective thermal conductivity comparisons between xonotlite-type calcium silicate and aerogel as well as xonotlite-aerogel composite insulation material are presented. It is shown that the density of xonotlite-type calcium silicate is the key factor affecting the effective thermal conductivity of xonotlite-aerogel composite insulation material, and the density of aerogel has little influence. the effective thermal conductivity can be lowered greatly by composite of the two materials at an elevatedtemperature
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