
来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenenm0702
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乡镇企业,历经十几年的风风雨雨,发展至今,已成为我国经济的半壁河山,其地位也日益不可轻视。同时,也应看到,今后乡镇企业要健康、高速、稳定、持久、后劲十足地发展,对于基层乡镇,经济联合社(以下简称经联社)建设自然也就被放在首要位置。目前,一些地区为了提高工作效率,压缩行政支出,提出裁撤冗员,精简机构。很快,基层兴起了一股强大的精“减”风,似乎减得越多、留得越少、减得越全、越狠越好。目标只盯数量,不顾质量,精简中,许许多多的基层业务骨干,因资历或其他方面不够,而被减掉。有的甚至某些部门整个被看作累赘,轻率砍掉。诚然,对机构精简,我们无可厚非,确实,一些行政机构中,冗员累累、业绩平平,等闲食、吃闲饭、跟逛儿的多,苦干、实干、大干的少,该简。但“精简”不是“胡减、乱 After more than ten years of ups and downs, township and village enterprises have developed into half of the country’s economy, and their status has become increasingly important. At the same time, it should also be noted that in the future, township and village enterprises should be healthy, high-speed, stable, long-lasting, and have a long-lasting development. For grass-roots towns and towns, the establishment of an economic coalition (hereinafter referred to as “the Associated Press”) is naturally placed first. At present, in order to increase work efficiency and reduce administrative expenses in some areas, it is proposed to abolish redundant personnel and streamline institutions. Soon, the grassroots has created a strong, fine-tuned wind. It seems that the more it is reduced, the less it is kept, the more it is reduced, the better it is. The target is only for quantity, regardless of quality, streamlining, and many backbone staff at the grass-roots level are cut off due to insufficient qualifications or other aspects. Some or even some of the entire departments were seen as cumbersome and frivolous. It is true that we have nothing wrong with the simplification of the organization. Indeed, in some administrative agencies, there are many redundant employees and flat performances. There are many idle foods, free meals and follow-ups. It is hard work and hard work. However, ”reduction“ is not a ”reduction, chaos
《猫眼》是加拿大小说家玛格丽特·阿特伍德的代表作之一,描绘了主人公伊莱恩不同成长时期的心路历程,深刻揭露出青春的失落和隐秘的逝去的这一主题。 Cat’s Eye is one of
为满足砖厂员工在岗培训的需要 ,全国墙材科技信息网与《砖瓦》杂志社共同组织摄制了砖厂技术影碟 ,主要内容包括 :粉煤灰烧砖技术要点、煤矸石烧砖技术要点、砖厂设备安全操
《贝恩斯》是英国当代女作家佩内洛普·菲茨杰拉德(1916—2000)的作品。这篇小说选自2001年英国红鹳出版社(Flamingo)出版的短篇小说集《逃之天天》(The Means of Escape)。
[关键词]资料,引用,稽核  [中图分类号]G63 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]0457-6241(2008)15-0053-04    引用新资料创设新情景的选择题不仅能使考试始终牢牢把握教学的重点或主干知识,确保试题考查目标的实现,而且也有积极的教学导向意义。  例一:美国历史学家写道:“想象一下,哥伦比亚麦德林可卡因垄断集团成功发动一起对美国的军事袭击,迫使其允许可卡因合法化,还须支付巨额
一个以信息革命为中心的新的技术革命正在世界范围内兴起。它的一个突出表现是:电脑的能力越来越大,体型越来越小,价格越来越低。它已经跨出了高等院校、科研、大型企业 A