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英国牛津大学28日发布新闻公报宣称,该校Jenner研究所将在近期开始埃博拉病毒疫苗临床试验,如进展顺利,今年底将完成该种疫苗的安全有效性评估。 The University of Oxford announced on the 28th that it will start clinical trials of the Ebola virus vaccine recently at the Jenner Institute and proceed smoothly with the evaluation of the safety and efficacy of the vaccine by the end of this year.
There are numerous physiologic and biochemical changes in menopause that can affect the function of the liver and mediate the development of liver disease. Meno
AIM: To distinguish upper from lower gastrointestinal(GI) bleeding. METHODS: Patient records between April 2011 and March 2014 were analyzed retrospectively(329
Ultrasound elastography is perhaps the most important breakthrough in the evolution of ultrasonography in the last 15 years. Since transient elastography was in
AIM: To investigate, in the largest cohort to date, patient characteristics and associated risk factors for developing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth(SIB
乡土中国还没有彻底死去,仍然一息尚存。《鬼之来路——中国的假面与祭仪》是2005年年底买的书,本打算不上心地翻翻,却在不觉中 Native China has not completely died, sti
目的利用微泡对比剂监测脾循环,进而评估门静脉高压的严重程度。方法前瞻性研究91例病人[年龄30~86岁,平均(63.0±12.6)岁;男60例,女31例],其中肝硬化62 Objective To monit
目的:探讨糖尿病患者不同运动处方的应用比较,为糖尿病患者最佳运动疗法提供参考依据。方法:将200例患者随机分为A,B,C 3组,每组间采取不同运动时间、运动方式。结果:3组间空
The purpose of this study was to investigate the etiology, pathological characteristics, management and prognosis of chronic pancreatitis in the Chinese populat