Study on Source Spectrum for the Yajiang Earthquake Sequence Using S Wave

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fh1130
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The source parameters of the Yajiang earthquake sequence are calculated based on spectral analysis of S wave data recorded by the Chengdu Digital Seismic Network. Analysis of the source parameters in different periods are made,The obtained results are:(1)the relationship between M S(seismic moment), M W(moment magnitude)and M L(local magnitude),which fits the data of Yajiang earthquake sequence; (2) the decreasing corner frequency from 1.4 before the M5.0 earthquake to 1.3 afterwards, and then to 1.2 after the M6.0 event; (3) the obvious difference in the source parameters between foreshocks and aftershocks,which may be indicators for earthquake prediction. The source parameters of the Yajiang earthquake sequence are calculated based on spectral analysis of S wave data recorded by the Chengdu Digital Seismic Network. Analysis of the source parameters in different periods are made, The obtained results are: (1) the relationship between MS ( seismic moment), MW (magnitude magnitude) and ML (local magnitude), which fits the data of Yajiang earthquake sequence; (2) the decreasing corner frequency from 1.4 before the M5.0 earthquake to 1.3 afterwards, and then to 1.2 after the M6.0 event; (3) the obvious difference in the source parameters between foreshocks and aftershocks, which may be indicators for earthquake prediction.
10月11日,石油政研会物探分会2004年政工研讨会在四川成都召开。为期2天的研讨会由四川石油地 调处、东方地球物理公司、河南油田地调处、江苏物探处、东方地球物理公司综合
摘 要:如今是21世纪,信息技术的发展给人们的生活带来极大的积极作用,电子信息工程也受到社会的广泛关注,可以说,电子信息工程对人们生活的影响是巨大的,更对电子信息工程的需求在不断的提升,就目前我国的现状来看,社会的发展需求,给电子信息工程带来的发展需求越来越高,本文针对电子信息工程的现代化技术进行了论述,希望有一定的参考价值。  关键词:电子信息工程;现代化技术;初探  随着网络技术的迅速发展,促
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