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由英国Icogno人工智能公司的专家罗洛·卡彭发明的一种会说40种语言、能同时与2000人聊天的最聪明的机器人——乔治,最近在英国获得“勒布纳”奖,这个科学奖项是专门颁发给与人类对话最可乱真的机器人的。现在,人们只要登陆www.jabberwacky.com网站,就能找到乔治,与他在互联网 The most clever robot that speaks 40 languages ​​and can chat with 2,000 people at the same time, George, who was invented by the expert Ilogno artificial intelligence company in the UK, Roland Capone, recently won the “Le Bonner” award in the UK. The science awards are bestowed on the most confusing robots for dialogue with humans. Now people can find George on the internet by logging in to www.jabberwacky.com.
The concept and analysis method of photonic crystals and band gaps are introduced into one-dimensional(1D) ordered mesoporous materials. MCM-41 type of material
我院内燃机教研室和武进柴油机厂联合设计的用于单缸柴油机的飞锤式调速器,在武进柴油机厂研制成功。 目前国产单缸柴油机的调速系统,基本上采用滑盘式调速器。滑盘式调速器
5月30日,省第十一届人大常委会第三十次会议批准《长阳土家族自治县老年人权益保障条例》,这意味着全国首部县级老年人权益保障条例在长阳诞生。 On May 30, the thirtieth
The stability of aqueous nano alumina powder suspensions with and without dispersant tri-ammonium citrate (TAC) was investigated by measuring zeta potential at
1题目图2表示出生率、死亡率和种群密度的关系,据此分析得出的正确表述是()A.在K/2时控制有害动物最有效B.图示规律可作为控制人口增长的依据C.该图可用于实践中估 1 Proble
Self-organization in thin micro-films has shown potential for the production of microelements with specific structures and functions; however, little is known a