Influence of biodegradation on benzocarbazole distributions in reservoired oils

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinchuanhedian
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Partition coefficient difference of benzocarba-zole isomers between oil, water and mineral phase makes them a useful indicator to quantify petroleum migration distance. Because of their nitrogen-heteroatom and annelated aromatic cycles they are generally regarded as being more resistant and the effects of biodegradation on their concentrations and distributions have not previously been investigated. Reservoir extracts from three wells located in the Leng43 block of the Liaohe Basin were analyzed to investigate their occurrence and the effect of biodegradation. Both hydrocarbon biomarkers and benzocarbazole isomers show systematical changes with the increase extent of biodegradation in study columns. Carbazole compounds may be biodegraded in a similar way to that observed in aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. The distance from oil water contact is a primary control factor for biodegradation. The concentrations of benzocarbazole isomers show a slight increase in the upper part of the columns then a sharp Partition coefficient difference of benzocarba-zole isomers between oil, water and mineral phase makes them a useful indicator to quantify petroleum migration distance. Because of their nitrogen-heteroatom and annelated aromatic cycles they are generally considered as being more resistant and the effects of biodegradation on Both concentrations and distributions have not previously been investigated. Both hydrocarbon biomarkers and benzocarbazole isomers show systematical changes with the increase extent of The distance from oil water contact is a primary control factor for biodegradation. The concentrations of benzocarbazole isomers show a slight increase in the upper part of the c olumns then a sharp
摘要:本文从整合课程内容、设计教学过程和注意事项三个方面,阐述了一体化教学方法在高职《PLC应用技术》课堂中的应用。  关键词:一体化教学法 高职《PLC应用技术》 运用  在高职教育中采用“教、学、做”一体化的教学方法势在必行,它要求教师在做中教,学生在做中学,以此发挥师生各自的个性和特长,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的职业素养和自主学习能力。  《PLC应用技术》是机电一体化专业的核心课程,
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