
来源 :黑龙江对外经贸 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cunkjiang
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一、我国海外直接投资的现状改革开放以来,我国许多企业积极跻身于国际市场竞争,拓展对外贸易,引进外资,发展跨国经营,使我国的对外经济贸易获得了巨大发展.“八五”期间我国进出口贸易年均增长速度高达19.5%,其中出口贸易年均增长率为19.1%,进口贸易年均增长率为19.9%.这一速度不仅大大高于同期内我国国民经济的增长速度,而且也超过世界上绝大多数国家和地区的对外贸易发展速度.1996年,由于政策性调整,我国出口贸易增长减缓,进出口总额2899乙美元,比上年增长3.2%,超额7.37%.完成当年2700亿美元的计划.我国进出口贸易已居世界第11位.吸收境外直接投资,1996年协议资金额为723.12亿美元,实际使用外资金额423.5亿美元,虽然协议外资金额比上年减少20%,但实际使用外资金额的增幅达13%.截至1996年底我国协议外资金额已达4693.25亿美元,实际使用外资金额1772.17亿美元.中国现在是世界上继美国之后第二大境外直接投资吸收国.中国企业到海外直接投资办企业是从1979年开始的,至1993年底,中国在海外共建立4497家企业,中方总投资额51.6亿美元,海外 I. Status Quo of China’s Overseas Direct Investment Since the reform and opening up, many Chinese enterprises have actively entered the international market competition, expanded their foreign trade, introduced foreign capital and developed cross-border operations. As a result, China’s foreign trade and economic cooperation have enjoyed tremendous growth. During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, China The average annual growth rate of import and export trade is as high as 19.5%, of which the average annual growth rate of export trade is 19.1% and the average annual growth rate of import trade is 19.9% ​​.This speed is not only much higher than the growth rate of our national economy in the same period, Exceeding the speed of foreign trade in most countries and regions in the world.In 1996, due to the policy adjustment, the growth of China’s export trade slowed down, with the total amount of imports and exports being 2,899 US dollars, an increase of 3.2% over the previous year and an excess of 7.37% The plan of import and export of our country has ranked the 11th in the world .In foreign direct investment, the amount of agreement in 1996 was 72.312 billion U.S. dollars and the actual utilized foreign investment was 42.35 billion U.S. dollars. Although the amount of foreign investment in agreement was reduced by 20% over the previous year, However, the actual amount of foreign investment increased by 13%. As of the end of 1996, China’s foreign investment reached 469.325 billion U.S. dollars and the actual utilized foreign investment was 172.217 billion yuan As China is now the second largest recipient of overseas direct investment after the United States, Chinese enterprises have started to invest in overseas direct investment enterprises since 1979. By the end of 1993, China had established 4,497 overseas enterprises with total investment The amount of 5.16 billion US dollars, overseas
<正> 南汇东滩在平面形态上为一犁头型向海突出的滩地,是长江入海径流扩散和长江口与杭州湾北岸两股水体涨潮分流、落潮合流共同作用下形成的堆积地貌。它北起潘家洪、南至汇
摘 要:中等职业教育的实效性一直是教育者关注的焦点。因材施教是非常重要的教学原则,运用得当能够提高课堂教学效率。本文具体分析了学生的心理特征,并由此探析学生学习存在的问题,提出相应的解决对策。   关键词:中职学生;心理特征;高效课堂   随着时代的发展,社会对教育工作者的要求也在不断提高,就业学生将面临更大的挑战。如何在有限的时间内尽可能多地让学生掌握职业知识与技能,是社会普遍关注的焦点。打造