Numerical investigation of disc heat transfer with a novel fin-like structure

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:color5188
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Rotary disc is a key part in aero engine, HPT rotor disc due to its highest thermal load as well as mechanical load, always suffers from thermal or mechanical failure. In this paper, the authors initiate a new kind of novel fin-like structure which is presented on both surfaces of the rotating disc. The presence of the fin-like structure acts like a turbulence & vortex generator and hence increases the heat transfer effectiveness between the cooler cavity flow and the higher temperature disc surface. This paper deals with a numerical investigation of the new kind of fin-like structure which is tending to be applied on the high pressure turbine rotor’s rotating disc. Numerical results revealed that with this novel structure thermal load of the disc reduced noticeably ranging from 10℃ to 20℃. This can be explained by the vortex structure generated by the disturbance of the cavity’s cooling flow, thus enhancing the convective heat transfer rates between the disc surface and the cavity flow. Rotary disc is a key part in aero engine, HPT rotor disc due to its highest thermal load as well as mechanical load, always suffers from thermal or mechanical failure. is presented on both surfaces of the rotating disc. The presence of the fin-like structure acts like a turbulence & vortex generator and subsequently increases the heat transfer effectiveness between the cooler cavity flow and the higher temperature disc surface. This paper deals with a numerical Investigation of the new kind of fin-like structure which is tending to be applied on the high pressure turbine rotor’s rotating disc. Numerical results revealed that with this novel structure thermal load of the disc reduced noticeably ranging from 10 ° C to 20 ° C. This can be explained by the vortex structure generated by the disturbance of the cavity’s cooling flow, thereby enhancing the convective heat transfer rates between the disc surface and the cavity flow.
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