Theoretical study on tetrazole and its derivatives (Ⅰ)──Ab initio study on chlorotetrazole

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chrisevenk
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Molecular geomitries and electronic structures of four chlorotetrazoles are calculated with ab initio method at MP2/6-311G ** level. The results show that all the titled compounds are planar and aromatic. The skeletal bond lengths of the ring tend to be uniformized. Compared with 1- and 2-substituted chlorotetrazoles, 5-substituted chlorotetrazoles are more acidic and lower in total energy. 5-chloro-2H-tetrazole has the lowest energy and is the most stable. The results show that all the titled compounds are planar and aromatic. The skeletal bond lengths of the ring tend tend to be uniformized. The molecular geomitries and electronic structures of four chlorotetrazoles are calculated with ab initio method at MP2 / 6-311G ** level. 5-substituted-chlorotetrazoles are more acidic and lower in total energy. 5-chloro-2H-tetrazole has the lowest energy and is the most stable.
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【发婚人一:古利特 Ruud Gullit】(荷兰新郎)6月3日,路德·古利特有生以来第三次在上帝面前祈福,这一次站在他身边、挽着他手臂的是大名鼎鼎的约翰·克鲁伊夫的侄女儿埃斯特
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