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目的:分析医护人员健康素养水平及其影响因素。方法:采用方便抽样法,选取2021年1月5—17日上海市浦东新区人民医院、上海市浦东新区周浦医院、上海市第十人民医院崇明分院、上海市静安区闸北区中心医院4家医疗机构在岗医护人员,依据中国健康教育中心统一编订的《全国居民健康素养调查问卷》,结合医护人员职业特点自行编制电子调查问卷,问卷内容包含性别、年龄、学历、职称、是否患有慢性病等基本情况,以及基本知识和理念、健康生活方式与行为、健康技能三方面的健康素养情况,涉及科学健康观、传染病防治素养、慢性病防治素养、安全与急救素养、基本医疗素养、健康信息素养等6类健康问题,以总分为100分计,得分≥80分认为具备健康素养。共发放问卷870份,排除未完整作答问卷,回收有效问卷826份。采用logistic回归分析医护人员健康素养影响因素。结果:医护人员总体健康素养水平为64.0%,其中基本知识和理念具备率为79.7%,健康生活方式与行为具备率为70.8%,健康技能具备率为33.5%;6类健康问题健康素养水平从高到低分别是安全与急救素养(80.5%)、科学健康观(76.4%)、传染病防治素养(60.2%)、慢性病防治素养(70.9%)、基本医疗素养(52.7%)、健康信息素养(50.2%)。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示:过去一年身体状况、有无危害健康的生活方式、最高学历和职称是与健康素养相关的独立影响因素(n P<0.05)。n 结论:医护人员健康技能、基本医疗素养和健康信息素养水平不高,过去一年身体状况、生活方式、学历与职称是影响医护人员健康素养水平的重要影响因素。“,”Objective:To analyze the health literacy level among medical staff and its influencing factors.Methods:Using the convenient sampling method, the in-service medical staff from four medical institutions (Shanghai Pudong New Area People′s Hospital, Shanghai Pudong New Area Zhoupu Hospital, Shanghai Tenth People′s Hospital Chongming Branch, and Shanghai Jing′an District Zhabei Central Hospital) were administered with a national residents′ health literacy questionnaire uniformly compiled by the China Health Education Center, and an electronic questionnaire independently compiled in combination with professional characteristics of the medical staff. The survey period was January 5-17, 2021. The contents of the questionnaire included basic information regarding gender, age, education, and professional title. Respondents were also asked whether they had chronic diseases, and three aspects of health literacy for basic knowledge and concepts, healthy lifestyle and behavior and health skills covering six other types of health problems including scientific outlook on health, infectious disease prevention and control literacy, chronic disease prevention and control. Safety and first aid literacy, basic medical literacy, health information literacy were also assessed. The total score for the questionnaire was 100 points. Respondents with a score of 80 or more were considered to have a competent health literacy. A total of 870 questionnaires were distributed, excluding incomplete ones, 826 valid questionnaires were used for analysis. Logistic regression was used to analyze factors influencing the health literacy among medical staff.Results:The overall health literacy level of medical staff was 64.0%, with 79.7% of respondents indicating that they had basic knowledge and concepts, 70.8% indicating that they practiced healthy lifestyles and behaviors, and 33.5% showed proficiencies in terms of health skills. From high to low, the health literacy levels for the six types of health problems were safety and first aid literacy (80.5%), scientific outlook on health (76.4%), infectious disease prevention and control literacy (60.2%), chronic disease prevention and control literacy (70.9%), basic medical literacy (52.7%), and health information literacy (50.2%). The results of a multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that physical condition, a lifestyle harmful to one′s health, highest educational background, and a professional title in the previous year were the independent influencing factors related to health literacy (n P<0.05).n Conclusion:Levels of health skills, basic medical literacy, and health information literacy among medical staff are low, and physical condition in the previous year, lifestyle, professional title, and education are important factors influencing the level of health literacy among medical staff.
恶性间皮瘤(MM)是一种潜伏期长、预后较差、与石棉暴露相关的恶性疾病。长链非编码RNA(lncRNA)是指长度在200个核苷酸以上的不编码蛋白的RNA,在表观遗传调控、细胞周期调控和细胞分化调控等多种生命活动中发挥着重要作用。近年来的研究表明,lncRNA的表达或者功能异常与MM的诊断及预后等密切相关。在此,本文简要综述了与MM相关的lncRNA,便于更好地了解lncRNA在MM中发挥的作用。“,”Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a long latency, poor pr
Photoelectron momentum distribution in strong-field ionization has a variety of structures that reveal the com-plicated dynamics of this process.Recently,we identified a low-energy interference structure in the case of a super-intense extreme ultraviolet(
目的:了解口腔领域护理研究热点。方法:检索Web of Science数据库,分析1999年1月1日至2019年12月31日年发表的口腔领域与护理有关的文献,运用统计分类学、文献计量学及CiteSpace可视化软件进行分析,描述该领域发文现状、核心作者发文特征、高被引论文及重要突变词并描绘关键词共现图谱。结果:共检索到1 645篇文献,口腔领域与护理相关的科学引文索引(science citation index,SCI)收录文献量和被引频次表现为增长趋势,其中美国的发文量最多,中国排名第13位;n
Uniformly dispersed nickel single atoms(SAs)are experimentally prepared on ultralight N-doped graphene aero-gels(Ni-SA@NRGA).The experimental results show that Ni-SAs in graphene aerogels can improve the conduc-tion,polarization losses,and impedance match
Owing to the nonequilibrium nature,the energy state of metallic glasses(MGs)can vary a lot and has a crit-ical influence on the physical properties.Exploring new methods to modulate the energy state of glasses and studying its relationship with properties
近年来,虫螨腈中毒在临床中逐渐增多,但病死率居高不下。虫螨腈中毒机制及临床诊治的相关研究有限,尚无有效治疗手段。为总结虫螨腈中毒的临床特点,以便指导临床治疗,本文报道了急性虫螨腈中毒病例2例并文献复习21例,归纳虫螨腈中毒的临床特点。虫螨腈中毒后大多出现消化道症状、大汗、高热、意识改变等表现,且迟发性加重常见,可累及中枢神经等多个器官系统,为临床诊治提供依据。“,”In recent years, chlorfenapyr poisoning has gradually increased in clin
High-temperature phases of solids are often dynamically stable only.First-principles study of point defects in such solids at 0 K is prohibited by their static instability,which results in random structures of the defect-containing supercell so that the t
目的:探讨急性中毒患者血液灌流治疗并发出血的临床特点和危险因素。方法:于2021年1月,分析2018年1月至2020年12月在空军军医大学第二附属医院行血液灌流治疗的196例急性中毒患者的临床资料,根据患者是否并发出血分为出血组与未出血组。应用logistic回归分析血液灌流治疗患者并发出血的危险因素。结果:共纳入出血组患者21例,未出血组175例;两组患者的性别、年龄、体重指数等一般资料差异均无统计学意义(n P>0.05)。有机磷农药(χn 2=4.56,n P=0.03