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《现代汉语动词句式词典》选取了1000多个常用动词,用义项出条,近2000条。义项的划分参考了《现代汉语词典》,以语义组合功能的异同为标准进行了删并。比如“影响”有两个义项,一个是“对别人的思想或行动起作用”,另一个是“妨碍”,两个义项在语义组合中功能基本相同,所以合为一条。下面,我就几个关键性的问题做一点说明。 一、动词分为六个小类:他动,自动,外动,内动,系属,领属。 他动:主体为动作的发出者,动作涉及客体的动词。如:核对,怀念,重视,感谢,研究,养活,喝,糊等。 自动:主体为动作的发出者,动作不涉及客体的动词。如:走,跑,站,飞,爆发,工作,休息,出差,开幕,毕业等。 外动:主体非动作的发出者,动作涉及客体的动词。如:碰见,知道,丢失,懂等。 内动:主体非动作的发出者,动作不涉及客体的动词。如:病,死,疯,飘,漂等。 “Modern Chinese Verb Sentence Dictionary” selected more than 1000 commonly used verbs, with the terms out of nearly 2,000. Reference to the division of meaning of “Modern Chinese Dictionary” to the similarities and differences of the semantic combination of features as a standard deletion. For example, “influence” has two senses: one is “acting on others’ thoughts or actions” and the other is “impeding”. The two senses have basically the same functions in the semantic combination, so they are all in one. Below, I will explain a few key issues. First, the verbs are divided into six sub-categories: He moves, automatically, outside, inside, affiliates, collar. He moves: the main body of the action is issued, the action involves the object of the verb. Such as: check, miss, attention, thanks, research, feeding, drinking, paste and so on. Automatic: The main body is the sender of the action, the action does not involve the object’s verb. Such as: walking, running, station, fly, outbreak, work, rest, business trip, opening, graduation and so on. External movement: the main non-action issuers, actions related to the object of the verb. Such as: met, know, lost, understand and so on. Internal movement: the main non-action issuers, the action does not involve the object’s verbs. Such as: sick, dead, crazy, floating, floating and so on.
日本落叶松[Larix kaempferi(Lamb)Carr]天然分布于日本岛富士山区(北纬33°20′~38°18′,东经136°45′~140°30′)。欧洲许多国家从19世纪中期开始引种造林。苏联自19世纪
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